I Beg The Left To Remain Peaceful, January 6th Has Left You The High Ground, So Use It Wisely !

I BEG THE LEFT to return to a higher-form of philosophical thought, progressive idealism and transcendental unity.  

Elaborate terms?  Yes...

But whether the progressive, long hair, left wing, Counter-Culture-Pacifists knew it or not, this is who they were. if not for a brief moment in history, until outside forces hi-jacked the 'Counter-Culture' 'Peace-Not-War' 'Woodstock' generation.

It was a reality. It was proven, that it could be done, with just a bit of empathy, a moral compass and commitment.

As a child of this movement and now I ask the generations who have come since:

Abandon the violent protests, for you are losing your country.

Stand true to your ethos_  

Progressive: Higher being of thought, 

Liberal: Individual rights & liberty, 

Left: Social Justice For All, Love Not Hate, Peace not War.

These values cannot exist while embracing violence.  


January 6th, has given the Progressive-Left the hi-ground, So take this as a gift and retain the virtuous fight. 

This is a golden opportunity to galvanize our cause into the righteous and virtuous direction of Civil-Disobedience.

Gandhi and MLK jr left this for us.  Yet since Mr. Kings assassination, there has been little change in Washington's laws to show for the violent protests we lived through.   

For we abandoned the road-map of MLK's success and have resorted to violence and vandalism while hoping to gain legal justice from the opposing forces in this country.  


We stand on their shoulders...  

Therefore you must uphold what they left us with...

Peaceful Civil Disobedience, Good Trouble, Peaceful Resistance, 

for they are watching you.  

Let us not shame ourselves and insult their legacies with violence, vandalism, injury or death.  

Let us live in a 'Higher Consciousness.' 


The Progressive-Left has a hard time grasping why the Extreme-Far-Right views the Left with such visceral-disdain.   

We have no one to blame but ourselves.

If you wish to be part of a movement of a higher-consciousness, you must disallow the darkness. 

In your angered violence, your fight for justice falls to wasted anger.       


I am a veteran of the counter-culture-movement of the late 1960s'. 

A civil-rights-movement advocate, Climate-Change, Greenpeace, Farm-Aid, Anti-Vietnam-war, anti-military-industrial-complex, anti-white-supremacy to name a few...

...Dedicated writer-performer for peace and change to lift the soul of America and remind everyone who we are and where we have come from and how privileged we are as a nation.  

But when we lost Martin, then Bobby, our movement lost it's way. 

Radical anarchists, socialists-communists, The Weather-Underground, Black-Power organization's etc., SLA, stepped out from the shadows and took our peaceful platform and crushed every bit of legitimacy out of it.

The Counter-Culture movement was then forever hi-jacked and delegitimized.   

Television News images of bombings, speeches crying out: 

'The only good cop is a dead cop'... 

'By any means necessary'... 

...evil rhetoric, violent riots, vandalism, killings, kidnappings... 

No matter the fabrications the FBI was found guilty of_ 

There were far more number of crimes' the leftist-militant factions committed. We finally have to admit this. 

The Far-Right-Conservatives stood by and watched the left destroy themselves.  

Many veteran-radicals of that time still refuse to accept today.  

The waving of Soviet, Cuban and NVA flags during protests throughout the country, displaying the Left's decent into geo-political ignorance and falling absent to it's moral base. 

The country was fighting a sworn enemy in the Cold War bringing dead American boys home in body bags from Vietnam. 

Leaders of the Far-Left militant movements such as the Weather Underground and SLA were joining the Communist party of America.  

How to you seduce the support of a country, 
While you embrace a sworn enemy of their generation?  

The radical left once again showing total ignorance of the evil menace communism was to the world. 

Anarchist flags, Black Revolution Signs: Pro-Violent revolution slogans, pro Castro, pro Che...  

Images so very opposite of what the peaceful ethos of the Counter-Culture and Civil Rights movements were all about. 

Violent revolution will never find a middle ground 

with an opponent 

For there is no compromise in revolution 

Only hatred death and destruction_  

Only hate and retribution remains 

within the hearts of the defeated_


We allowed our peaceful and righteous cause be hi-jacked by a violent socialistic/anarchistic/militant agenda, that we whole-heartedly despised.  

Instead of pushing back and fighting these nefarious factions, we handed over counter-culture movement to the radicals who destroyed the legacy of what good it had offered. 

Fast forward from Walter Cronkite to Tucker Carlson, I'm sure you can see how toxic the opinions of the right have galvanized the anti- 'anything Left, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, Antifa, Black Power, Anarchistic. 

#AntiCommunist #AntiSocialist #AntiAntifa #AntiMilitantBlackPower #AntiAnarchy #AntiChe #AntiCastro #AntiSocilismInAmerica #ViolentMalcolmX 

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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