When The Law, Politicians and Clergy Support Extremist Minorities Of A Nation, The Nation Shall Not Stand For Long__

The Supreme Court of the United States, has doubled-down on their support for a minority of citizens who wish to walk the streets with guns and now oppose the peoples rights of autonomy (Roe v Wade) in a land of liberty and equal justice for all:

This has contravened the Constitution's commitment: "For the people, by the people, of the people."

A Christian-Oxymoron, a Democratic Catastrophe, Socio-Religious-Political declarations of war by extremist Christians upon 'Natural Law Doctrines of Ethics and Morals' which the Majority population of this nation was founded upon.  

SCOTUS has now laid before us the beginning of a Northern Ireland-like conflict.  A Bosnian-war of intolerance by amoral and unethical bigotry, paranoia and abomination. 

50 self-righteous tribes within one nation, shall not stand... 

The United States was not founded upon an intent to be exclusively a Christian state.  The very doctrine in which the country has stood upon over 200 years, is intended for all races, creeds or religions with no exemption. 

...When an extremist-religious minority holds no common ground with a majority population and refuse to co-exist with the majority, there an impasse begins.    

This minority extremist religious culture within the United States truly believes their religious doctrine is the true and only path the entire nation should follow them.   Have we have then lost our Democracy.  

Separation of Church and State was meant to be applied far beyond taxation and other matters...

This is a beginning of something that is very dark indeed. 

For all who oppose them are declared evil. lost, illegitimate and must be saved. 

SCOTUS has just emboldened a Minority-Neo-Confederacy within this country by ruling on the side of a Minority of Far-Right Gun Platform and a Far-Right-Christian based Jihad.  

Both factions have found their courage to take the fight out of the darkness and unapologetically brow-beat a nation with their ethos. No coincidence this emboldened by Donal J. Trump and his Political-Cartel.

This is the Fort Sumpter of Democracy in the United States.  

The re-commencement of the Civil War of 1860 that has never ended.  

I have been writing about this for years and for many of you, not most, I was accused of: Hyperbole, doomsayer, scaremongering. Do you still have this opinion?

...Events over the last six years have shattered the delicate balance of this country, this has confirmed my fears and concern..

This current Proxy-Civil War has existed since the last shots of belligerent engagement between Federalists and the Confederacy rang out in 1865, Cameron County., Texas some 157 years ago: 

...A proxy covert war has existed ever since.. 

Deep within the halls of the U.S. Capital, far right Christian churches, anti-black-hispanic and anti-Semitic organizations, Federalist committees, militias, as well as small town school district councils, small town politicians and law enforcement agencies....have built the infrastructure of Neo-Confederate doctrines. Anti-Woke, anti-critical-race-theory etc., The covert war has been steady for decades.  

Now that the highest court in the land has been infiltrated by individuals who support a Minority's ethos of a radical-fundamentalist view of religion and government,  there is little hope that a United States can exist without a profound event or period of painful change.  

#PoliticalCORRUPTION #AntiMoral #LawOfLies #CivilWar #CorruptionOfReligion

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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