Let us not forget Ukraine while our own Nation cries... it is exactly what Putin wishes...

 Please, let us not forget Ukraine during these trying times...

Let us not lose site of this tragedy that is far closer to home than you think.

If you don't care about the people or Ukraine as a country, you should at least care about the balance of Europe, World Economics, the world's food chain, energy chain, the migrant/refugee chain and so much more that is in the balance. 

Those who believe in "America First" ...

Should now see that there is no such thing....

No leading country on the world stage is fully autonomous. Fully independent, or immune to other countries failures or shortcomings.  

The United States is Inexplicably linked through economics, trade, commerce, etc., to most every nation on earth. One way or another, there can be no 'America First' and ignore what problems rise elsewhere, while we profit from hundreds of Nations we have been intimately tied to for decades if not centuries.

There can be no compromises with neutrality or national selfishness while expecting to reap global fortunes of world wide investments and geo-political strategies to maintain America's interests and security.

Those who think they can stuff their heads in the sand and let the world destroy itself and not let it not affect the U.S. are simply Geo-Politically and Historically ignorant.

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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