Do Not Blame God For Religion

Do not blame God for war and do not blame God for religion.  
The ignorance of humankind is your culprit.

When a people employ their religion to justify the mass assault and extermination of an adversary_ They instantaneously exorcise God from their souls and abandon all rights of virtue for humanity's cause.  

For two thousand years, a mass bastardization of scripture has lead the world to horrific unjustifiable wars, famine and genocide.  Rendering 'religion' a tool of geo-political agendas while shattering the templates of God's gifts.  

So let us not blame God for religion.  Nor should we blame God for man’s irresponsible and self-serving interpretations of scripture.  

The message from 'the light' has been extinguished by self appointed messengers as they destroy the holistic veneration and substance of spirituality in order to serve their tribal agendas.

The simple lack of theological education of the masses who have misinterpreted scripture's parables and analogies and base their lives as indisputable facts, have led to religious anarchy within humans souls reducing todays civilizations to primitive, tribal and amoral mentalities rendering their religious practices (as a whole) into a world wide impudence of ethics_ Which has left the human race incapable of creating a peace from the darkness that has fallen upon this earth. 🌏

The answer to all conflicts within humanity is there within the spiritual gifts bestowed by the world's Gods of choice. 

It is humankind's responsibility to return to the beginning and recognize where it has failed to embrace what the almighty entity had gifted us.  

So... now what are you going to do about this? 

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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