We Must Have A Collective Obligation Within Our Freedoms__ Or We Are Doomed

 The most successful, most enduring civilizations on earth, took the greater deeds of each individual, submit what was gained into their tribe, village, or kingdom and in turn built upon these achievements so that all would collectively advance in life, profit in life and share in life.    

                                            This is Collective Obligationlism_  


A 'Collective Obligation':  

Is Democracy, in perfect practice_ 

Democratic Thought is a 'Collective Obligation.'  


The 'Collectivism' within this doctrine, 

is not to be confused with the term:

'The Collective' used within the practice of 

Karl Marx Socialism or Communism.  

The ethos which became a cancer that spread between all committed to equality amongst the un-equal in heart, soul and thought, unwittingly falling into the black hole of authoritarian control in order for any of its socialist-theory to work midst the natural impulses of a each humans rights as an individual.  

In this....  The individual is eventually lost within the cause as the state becomes the destiny of each citizen.  Instead of the state serving it's citizens to realize prosperity, happiness and ability to aspire.  

Instead of simply enabling an individual to become what they dream and live within a color of prolific thought and progress, they instead live in stagnation of black and white of an authoritarian ethos which controls not only the individual but their heart, mind and soul as well.    

Democratic 'Collective Obligationalism' is created for the individual to use without mandate. 

For in the light of civility, charity and humanity within a society, each and every person gives, (weather they are conscious of it or not).   

As they obey traffic laws, pay taxes, refrain from vulgarity in light of the 1st Amendment, etc.,    

For it is everyone's obligation for the greater good and beyond themselves.  

A Democracy can survive only with the success of a 'Collective Obligation' in practice.  

Socialist Collectivism is an oxymoron.  For collectivism dies when dictated or mandated.  

Collectivism is not a linear practice.  


Collectivism: is a holistic product within individuals 

who in practice create an equality in common law, 

which in turn creates Democratic thought. 


Most oligarchs hide behind the barbs shouted in the 'Capitalist Diatribes' in today's political arenas. 

The irony is, the majority of their supporters, are lower to middle class, lesser educated individuals who staunchly support the Oligarchical ramblings of multi-millionaires of have no interest to seeing through their commitments to the lower classes, for they are committed only to themselves and to their $.   

Just as the millions of farmers, laborers and lesser educated southern soldiers fought and died for a war for the exclusively few wealthy land and business owners who wished to instill their version of law to suppercede the rest of the nation.  

Describing this system of sharing equal to build each others barn or till each others crops, to have an equal chance to profit from a collective obligation is just plain: Socialism.  

Through these early days of building some of the greatest civilizations (16th-19th centuries), Karl Marx and his Socialism wasn't yet even a gleam in his mother's eye. 

The civilizations, who allowed greed, feudalism and exclusiveness against sectors of the aforementioned population, eventually destroyed themselves from within, by class war, economic struggle and starvation.  

Capatalism, unchecked: shall eventually fail in civil revolution, just as Feudalism did 400 years ago.    

As the leading economist/academic Mark J Perry wrote in 1995...            

"Socialism fails because it kills and destroys the human spirit. By their failure to foster, promote, and nurture the potential of their people through incentive-enhancing institutions, centrally planned economies deprive the human spirit of full development."


Of course, any mention of a "Collective Obligation for all"  to an Oligarchal-Capitalist, prompts the response of the word: "Socialism"... 

Throughout its history: Marxist-Socialism in practice has proven, its mechanism, unwittingly suppressed the wonder and magic of an individuals soul, heart and mind of holistic inspiration and entrepreneurship. 

Raising the lazy and criminal to the equal of the emboldened and hard working.   Creating a circle of dereliction and lethargy, that left it's society, far below it's potential within the worlds stage.      

If the Collective Obligation is allowed to work unimpeded, there will come an opportunity for each individual to discover their plot in life.  

As their time in the sun to flower and become best of themselves is what Democracy was created for all.  

...based on primarily in religious doctrine of the world, which promote an individuals drive towards the realization of god's gifts within each and every one of us, which in turn  emboldens each and every congregant to hold a higher standard and awareness for others__ 

__The circle of individualism and collectivism can achieve a perfect commonality within a society.  

Hence the first glimpse of a utopian existence. 

'The collective obligation' by all for all.     


Karl Marx had things a bit backwards.  


The Collective Obligation:   

The duty of a people who wish to anoint themselves as: civilized.  


"A society of laws, morals and ethics for all.  A living extension of Natural Law unimpeded..."      

"The common discipline..."   FDR


"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"        JFK

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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