
Showing posts from 2022

A Vote for an Amoral Candidate to Increase Your Bank Account, Is a Vote to end American Democracy

Do you really think these people are going to fix the economy, gun control, immigration and woman's rights, in the current dysfunctional tribalism that permeates the halls of Washington D.C.?  If you do, you are lost and very much part of the problem. To VOTE for an Amoral Candidate, void of honor, virtue, reverence, respect or morals, who might provide your Economic, Immigration and 2nd Amendment GOALS, is a VOTE for the inevitable collapse of Democracy within the United States.  Political grifters were voted in by we the people, simply because of our willful ignorance of just who they really are.  We bought the jargon, the cookie cutter speeches, the tainted statistics and the false political ads they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to brain-wash the naive American voter.  'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington', was not a Hollywood fantasy story.   It is quite an accurate depiction of how Washington D.C. has functioned since the passing of our founding fathers a...

Does It Matter What You Vote For When Amoral Politicians Represent A Broken System?

Does it matter what you vote for when Amoral Politicians represent a Government in Paralysis?       All reason and deduction of a human's critical-thinking-process is created by the template of an individuals virtue, morals, ethics and their interpretation of Natural Law, Common Law and the Collective Obligations to ones existence within a civilization.  Insert an individual who lacks any of the aforementioned templates that control our every thought and movement in life into a Governmental system that has been paralyzed by tribalistic feuds, and you soon realize, there is an insanity to the notion of continuing to Vote for a broken system which contains, by majority, individuals who are absent in heart, mind and soul.  If you vote for the issues instead of the morals and ethics of the politicians who grift you,  nothing you hope for will ever come to fruition.   For the majority of the political base you thought you understood, vacated the American Po...

Like Ukraine, Don't Think It Can't Happen in America by Americans

Set aside immigrants of foreign wars who now live in the United States:   Not one American alive, knows what it is like to live with war in their own country.   Even gang-warfare does not equate with what true war brings. ______________________________   The unfortunate symptom of time is forgetting what war truly is.   The present agitating factors within the Political and Governmental spheres of this nation are playing with a very dark and sinister object. Bouncing this paradox upon a tight-rope crossing a great crevasse which has no bottom, radically inspired politicians push the limits of the human psyche to dare the other side to say the: 'one wrong thing' to lose their vote, not realizing that there will be no voting while a Civil War rages. Politicians and their press, media and IT enablers: Pushing rhetoric which in past historic cases has more times than not resulted in violent conflict within a once peaceful nation.  When war comes to your home town...

Individual Rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.

Individual rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights. States rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights. Religious rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.           When your country asks you to do your patriotic duty and abridge your rights during a crisis of war, pandemic or disaster, you have no right to refuse your 'collective obligation' to your country, because of the state you live within.  Individualism at times of national crises is the most unpatriotic and selfish action one can practice.  Therefore: A citizen's Liberty mandates a 'collective obligation' to ones country that has gifted them such rights. Therefore affording them the right to live free and gifted to such privileged liberties.   Those who hide their 'collective obligations' behind States Rights are individuals who haven't the right to call themselves a patriot of a nation, let alone a citi...

50 Tribes Within One Nation__ Shall Not Stand _

Democracy has not failed the United States.  Human nature's 'Tribalism' merely continued to evolve_ Who's to blame?...  The 10th  Amendment , Electoral College & Human Evolution  Call it  neurobiology 101, socio-political evolution, un-checked rural education (or the lack thereof), or misconstrued religious or legal doctrine_ 'Tribes' are a product of evolution's common  denominator:  Social-Anthropologists will tell us: Humans gather with who they mutually agree with, upon a exclusive set of laws which compliment their specific neurobiological, social and environmental requirements to function within a society, which thus makes them unique to all other Tribes...  Since the Akkadian Empire 2300 BC., (the very first political system); kingdoms and nations have worked vigorously to incorporate tribal mentality and customs into a collective populace to live under one centralized doctrine to apply to all.  The results...

Legal Abstract: SCOTUS Abortion Ruling is Illegitimate by Constitutional Law

LEGAL ABSTRACT:     SCOTUS v.s. Chapter 3 - US Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309) - USCIS   By Constitutional Law: A fetus/child is not a US citizen until birth.   Therefore a fetus/child cannot be protected under the Supreme Courts jurisdiction as described in their charter established 1789: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”     *   28 U.S. Code § 453 - Oaths of justices and judges  June 25, 1948, ch. 646,  62 Stat. 907 ;  Pub. L. 101–650, title IV, § 404 ,  Dec. 1, 1990 ,  104 Stat. 5124 . There is nothing stated within the oath of office of a Supreme Court Justice which obligates their opinions to recognize Christian Doctrine while consi...

Let us not forget Ukraine while our own Nation cries... it is exactly what Putin wishes...

  Please, let us not forget Ukraine during these trying times... Let us not lose site of this tragedy that is far closer to home than you think. If you don't care about the people or Ukraine as a country, you should at least care about the balance of Europe, World Economics, the world's food chain, energy chain, the migrant/refugee chain and so much more that is in the balance.  Those who believe in "America First" ... Should now see that there is no such thing.... No leading country on the world stage is fully autonomous. Fully independent, or immune to other countries failures or shortcomings.   The United States is Inexplicably linked through economics, trade, commerce, etc., to most every nation on earth. One way or another, there can be no 'America First' and ignore what problems rise elsewhere, while we profit from hundreds of Nations we have been intimately tied to for decades if not centuries. There can be no compromises with neutrality or national...

I Beg The Left To Remain Peaceful, January 6th Has Left You The High Ground, So Use It Wisely !

I BEG THE LEFT to return to a higher-form of philosophical thought, progressive idealism and transcendental unity.   Elaborate terms?  Yes... But whether the progressive, long hair, left wing, Counter-Culture-Pacifists knew it or not, this is who they were. if not for a brief moment in history, until outside forces hi-jacked the 'Counter-Culture' 'Peace-Not-War' 'Woodstock' generation. It was a reality. It was proven, that it could be done, with just a bit of empathy, a moral compass and commitment. As a child of this movement and now I ask the generations who have come since: Abandon the violent protests, for you are losing your country. Stand true to your ethos_   Progressive: Higher being of thought,   Liberal:   Individual rights & liberty,   Left: Social Justice For All, Love Not Hate, Peace not War. These values cannot exist while embracing violence.   __________________________________________________________ January 6th, has given ...