Like Ukraine, Don't Think It Can't Happen in America by Americans

Set aside immigrants of foreign wars who now live in the United States:  

Not one American alive, knows what it is like to live with war in their own country.  

Even gang-warfare does not equate with what true war brings.


The unfortunate symptom of time is forgetting what war truly is.  

The present agitating factors within the Political and Governmental spheres of this nation are playing with a very dark and sinister object.

Bouncing this paradox upon a tight-rope crossing a great crevasse which has no bottom, radically inspired politicians push the limits of the human psyche to dare the other side to say the: 'one wrong thing' to lose their vote, not realizing that there will be no voting while a Civil War rages.

Politicians and their press, media and IT enablers: Pushing rhetoric which in past historic cases has more times than not resulted in violent conflict within a once peaceful nation. 

When war comes to your home town, everything you thought you knew changes. 

Militias within the United States have a considerable representation of ex-military who witnessed war in far-off lands.  

Fighting people other than they.  People they didn't know, understood or even wanted to understand.  

These ex-military individuals have not lost their taste for military conflict and yearn for the adrenaline rush just one more time.

A rush that superceeds everything they learned while serving. Or their retention of knowledge or bottom line intelligence escapes them. 

For they have seen guerrilla-warfare from their deadly opponents and believe they can adapt and insert this very same mechanism of war against the most powerful and technically advanced armed forces in the world within their own country and by doing so, be victorious in their demented causes and beliefs.

Shouting violent rhetoric, darning their surplus store helmets and mail order flack jackets within their country's capital building... 

They wish to let all you know that they have made a commitment in reducing their homeland to what you see in photographs below, to achieve their goals. For the majority of this country will not allow them to achieve this through only political, judicial and far right religious maneuvers.  

.......Or, they're just playing army on a dirt hill in their back yards. But I doubt it.

They are resolved to fighting an insurgent civil war, for perhaps decades much like Northern Ireland, Yemen, Bosnia, Miramar Indonesia, etc., refusing to accept that they're war cannot be won.  

The lives of their family and friends are on the trading blocks for their victory of a perverse objective.

As they will take the lives of people who support the same sports teams as they, go to the same music concerts as they, or even drink at the same bar as they. 

This is their sociopathic decision, we are not fully grasping. 

So I ask you...  what do you propose to do about this?

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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