Individual Rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.

Individual rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.

States rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.

Religious rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.


When your country asks you to do your patriotic duty and abridge your rights during a crisis of war, pandemic or disaster, you have no right to refuse your 'collective obligation' to your country, because of the state you live within. 

Individualism at times of national crises is the most unpatriotic and selfish action one can practice. 

Therefore: A citizen's Liberty mandates a 'collective obligation' to ones country that has gifted them such rights. Therefore affording them the right to live free and gifted to such privileged liberties.  

Those who hide their 'collective obligations' behind States Rights are individuals who haven't the right to call themselves a patriot of a nation, let alone a citizen of the United States of America.  

They are merely a 'slave' to the state in which they reside.  

The Tenth Amendment is the most failed clause within the constitution.  It has enabled most of the decent, violence, prejudice and greed within America.  

The Electoral College:  Although it's initial intent was to even the playing field between highly developed states and newly formed territories a century ago__   

__The process of the Electoral College has grown archaic and anachronistic and is now enabling the destruction of our Democratic Republic, by allowing the minority of a nation to rule it's majority.  

Individual rights within the Second Amendment exist because the country you live in affords you those right.  


People seem to ignore the first six words of the 2nd Amendment. 

Should only be applied to ones who are vested and qualify within a 'well regulated militia' required within ones state.  

Even the Supreme Court has abandoned the fundaments and grammar of what is written within our Constitution.   

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not a smorgasbord of suggestions.  But the 10th Amendment has enabled States to circumvent the Nation's ethos with their own set of realities.   

All that is written must be applied to all and obeyed without willful intent to abandon justice or to practice malice or prejudice upon the ethics, morals and common law within the founding manuscripts of the United States of America.   

Beware of the Federalist Society and of the American Constitution Society  

#TheFederalstSociety #TheAmericanConstitutionSociety #10thAmendment #2ndAmendment #TheElectoralCollege #Nationalism #FalseFreedom #CriminalLiberties #StatesRights #ReligiousRights #ReligiousNationalism #FarRightChristianDogma  

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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