A Vote for an Amoral Candidate to Increase Your Bank Account, Is a Vote to end American Democracy

Do you really think these people are going to fix the economy, gun control, immigration and woman's rights, in the current dysfunctional tribalism that permeates the halls of Washington D.C.?  If you do, you are lost and very much part of the problem.

To VOTE for an Amoral Candidate, void of honor, virtue, reverence, respect or morals, who might provide your Economic, Immigration and 2nd Amendment GOALS, is a VOTE for the inevitable collapse of Democracy within the United States. 

Political grifters were voted in by we the people, simply because of our willful ignorance of just who they really are. 

We bought the jargon, the cookie cutter speeches, the tainted statistics and the false political ads they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to brain-wash the naive American voter. 

'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington', was not a Hollywood fantasy story.  

It is quite an accurate depiction of how Washington D.C. has functioned since the passing of our founding fathers and how it functions today.    

January 6th happened because over the last 40 years, we have voted for the issues and not for the Ideology, Ethics or Spiritual Intellect of a Candidates values.  

These omni-present requirements with which all the right answers of the world's problems emerge_ unfortunately are not of any concern to these nihilistic politicians we speak of here.


They know who they are_ and to them, the continued security and prosperity of this great nation in its present (democratic) form_  is irrelevant to them. 

A complete transformation is afoot.  

An indoctrination of an authoritative-right-wing-christian-based country is the goal.  

Pluralism, Secularism, Equal Rights, Civil Rights, Women's Rights will no longer be considered priorities to this nation.  

These inalienable rights set forth by the constitution 235 years ago will now fall to the control of an extreme fundamentalist-ethos.  

•     Look first to the 'Far Right Christian Evangelist Base' who have infiltrated American politics and who have little to no interest in keeping America a pluralistic/secular nation.   

•     Look second to the 'Federalist Society of America' who most of the current Supreme Court Justices were devout members. 

This is the spring board and the 'key' to this long awaited maneuver which this core of Proxy-Confederate-Politicians have yearned for, since 1865. 

The catalyst, the re-birth of this long awaited movement appeared to them floating down a golden escalator in all it's ignorance and tragedy in 2015.  

In 2016 they proceeded to drain a once a quiet, placid and mysteriously majestic swamp, which revealed the truth hidden from us for so long.  

The ugly venomous and deadly truths of Washington politics and the rotting skeletons it has hidden from us since the days of Benedict Arnold.   

An Intersting Video I Recommend:


It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas






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