
50 Tribes Within One Nation__ Shall Not Stand _

Democracy has not failed the United States.  Human nature's 'Tribalism' merely continued to evolve_ Who's to blame?...  The 10th  Amendment , Electoral College & Human Evolution  Call it  neurobiology 101, socio-political evolution, un-checked rural education (or the lack thereof), or misconstrued religious or legal doctrine_ 'Tribes' are a product of evolution's common  denominator:  Social-Anthropologists will tell us: Humans gather with who they mutually agree with, upon a exclusive set of laws which compliment their specific neurobiological, social and environmental requirements to function within a society, which thus makes them unique to all other Tribes...  Since the Akkadian Empire 2300 BC., (the very first political system); kingdoms and nations have worked vigorously to incorporate tribal mentality and customs into a collective populace to live under one centralized doctrine to apply to all.  The results have been mixed, to say the least.  It i

Legal Abstract: SCOTUS Abortion Ruling is Illegitimate by Constitutional Law

LEGAL ABSTRACT:     SCOTUS v.s. Chapter 3 - US Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309) - USCIS   By Constitutional Law: A fetus/child is not a US citizen until birth.   Therefore a fetus/child cannot be protected under the Supreme Courts jurisdiction as described in their charter established 1789: I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”     *   28 U.S. Code § 453 - Oaths of justices and judges  June 25, 1948, ch. 646,  62 Stat. 907 ;  Pub. L. 101–650, title IV, § 404 ,  Dec. 1, 1990 ,  104 Stat. 5124 . There is nothing stated within the oath of office of a Supreme Court Justice which obligates their opinions to recognize Christian Doctrine while considering laws to be applied within the Democratic / Secular / Plurality

Let us not forget Ukraine while our own Nation cries... it is exactly what Putin wishes...

  Please, let us not forget Ukraine during these trying times... Let us not lose site of this tragedy that is far closer to home than you think. If you don't care about the people or Ukraine as a country, you should at least care about the balance of Europe, World Economics, the world's food chain, energy chain, the migrant/refugee chain and so much more that is in the balance.  Those who believe in "America First" ... Should now see that there is no such thing.... No leading country on the world stage is fully autonomous. Fully independent, or immune to other countries failures or shortcomings.   The United States is Inexplicably linked through economics, trade, commerce, etc., to most every nation on earth. One way or another, there can be no 'America First' and ignore what problems rise elsewhere, while we profit from hundreds of Nations we have been intimately tied to for decades if not centuries. There can be no compromises with neutrality or national

I Beg The Left To Remain Peaceful, January 6th Has Left You The High Ground, So Use It Wisely !

I BEG THE LEFT to return to a higher-form of philosophical thought, progressive idealism and transcendental unity.   Elaborate terms?  Yes... But whether the progressive, long hair, left wing, Counter-Culture-Pacifists knew it or not, this is who they were. if not for a brief moment in history, until outside forces hi-jacked the 'Counter-Culture' 'Peace-Not-War' 'Woodstock' generation. It was a reality. It was proven, that it could be done, with just a bit of empathy, a moral compass and commitment. As a child of this movement and now I ask the generations who have come since: Abandon the violent protests, for you are losing your country. Stand true to your ethos_   Progressive: Higher being of thought,   Liberal:   Individual rights & liberty,   Left: Social Justice For All, Love Not Hate, Peace not War. These values cannot exist while embracing violence.   __________________________________________________________ January 6th, has given the Progressive

When The Law, Politicians and Clergy Support Extremist Minorities Of A Nation, The Nation Shall Not Stand For Long__

The Supreme Court of the United States, has doubled-down on their support for a minority of citizens who wish to walk the streets with guns and now oppose the peoples rights of autonomy (Roe v Wade) in a land of liberty and equal justice for all: This has contravened the Constitution's commitment: "For the people, by the people, of the people." A Christian-Oxymoron, a Democratic Catastrophe, Socio-Religious-Political declarations of war by extremist Christians upon 'Natural Law Doctrines of Ethics and Morals' which the Majority population of this nation was founded upon.   SCOTUS has now laid before us the beginning of a Northern Ireland-like conflict.  A Bosnian-war of intolerance by amoral and unethical bigotry, paranoia and abomination.  50 self-righteous tribes within one nation, shall not stand...  The United States was not founded upon an intent to be exclusively a Christian state.  The very doctrine in which the country has stood upon over 200 years, is int

Socialism: A Tainted Name The Left Can't Let Go Of...

Socialism, A Tainted Word, A Failed Brand,  For Gods sakes, can we move on... If you are someone who sees nothing wrong with the word, you either have been born post 1992, or have little knowledge of history or even less-educated of the geo-political implications Socialism has brought into countries of conflict and poverty with so little to show for. If the next civil war is to occur in America 🇺🇸 it will be the fault of the Liberal Progressive Movement's inability to compromise with Centrists who are holding the nation together by their fingernails, with no help whatsoever from the Progressive-Left or Radical-Right.     The profound fight for principles, ethics,  human-decency and corruption   must be laid to rest when a war against democracy and the country's very existence is raging.   You must first fight the war you know you can win.   The war against the radicals of both sides first. The ones who wish to destroy instead of restore. Tear down, instead of lift up.  kil