
We have armed America beyond it's population_ This is irreversible__

FACT: America is creating its own Northern Ireland/Bosnia_  Torn between tribes, religious lies and ignored neurological deficiencies aided by Amoral-Politicians who have been bought or sold. You must see this now, don't you?_ So what are you willing to do about this?   We must force ourselves to look at this far beyond where we have ever looked before. _____________________ Whether you are a Hunter, Gun-Sportsman or Armed Home Owner, you must acknowledge_ that t he leniency of our laws, have inadvertently armed the nation beyond it's population and far under the qualifications & vesting of the majority of gun owners.   If you can live with this, then all of this is on you_  ________________________________ If this is America's idea of  "a well regulated militia"   _under the constitution?_   Then we are all doomed to an abyss__ Dare I say, The same as Northern Ireland  or even more so like Bosnia. We have armed the suic...

With Freedom, Comes Obligation, The Collective Obligation...

The very science of humankind, the mathematics of societal development, the finite explanation of what constitutes a 'civilized world' involves morals, ethics, virtues and decorum  shared by all to all.  A collective obligation served between all inhabitants upon this earth.  Those civilizations that have lived to the formula of a code of 'Natural Law:' have prevailed.    Those who have lived counter to this have tragically perished into the annals of human history's failures___   ________________________________ In light of the expression: 'Live Free or Die' and its rapid re-birth becoming the battle cry within a vast swath of nihilists within modern day America_    I observe__ There is no law in the United States that prevents a citizen from living ones life in willful denial of world standards of intellectualism, mathematics of science and medicine or within any of the basic principles of natural law...

Congratulations to the NRA for Providing America With More Guns Than People

For outstanding achievements in securing the safety of every man woman and child with the proliferation of firearms  throughout the United States   Deterring, preventing and defending the innocents of this great country  And earnestly supplying the true patriots of America to  Reengage the Federal Government in the Civil War  that never really ended in 1865        This is your greatest moment in American history                            The countless mass shootings prevented and or ended by your exquisite science of firearms.   Religious attacks and murders,  robberies, carjackings, rapes, minor to capital assaults, racial and or terrorist based assaults and murders...   ...all prevented or ended by your leadership and supply_ ...The numbers of the aforementioned crimes have decreased exponentially with the flooding of weaponry throughout the...

Tragedy: Half Of Washington's Amoral/Unethical Politicians Won't Comprehend Zelenskys' Pleas

Most tragic:             Half of Washington's amoral/unethical politicians won't comprehend Zelenskys' pleas.   Nor will they comprehend  the profound historic consequences laid before them_    Following this historic address to the Congress, their number one conversation at this moment is about their vote counts and their political donations from their constituents.  What can we expect from a majority group of amoral unethical politicians within the U.S. government, when a nation such as Ukraine calls upon America to be the moral leader for the world and for it to find it's moral obligation to rise up to defeat the evil of Vladimir Putin to ensure world peace for decades to come.   @TomMaclear  It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

Benign Political Rhetoric For Decades, Obligates Us To Fight Neo-Sovietism

Benign Geo-Political Rhetoric for decades, obligates us to now fight against  Neo-Sovietism_  Because the war is here now, not tomorrow_   If we do not bring a more robust western-military-intervention into Ukraine the world will have once again allowed this Neo-Soviet aggressor to continue his intentions upon more vulnerable countries.  Not to mention the threat it will impose upon the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova.  Just as the Nazis were on Britains doorstep in 1940_  FDR knew that his total involvement in the war in Europe was inevitable and eventual military conflict was unavoidable. Washington must see this.  This is not an isolated offensive by Russia.  If you understand the historic background and itelligence of Putin's ethos, you will learn that this is part of a grand scheme he is willing to rage upon Europe at his expense of his citizens and his country's standing throughout the world.   If you think my ...

Ukraine's War Began With Militias__ Will The Same Happen In America ?

Ukraine's War Began With Militias__ It Can Very Well Do The Same Here, If 'Freedom' Remains Undefined within American Federal Law.   Ukraine's War began with seperatist militias in the southeast territories of it's nation.  Looks like the Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, Boogaloo Boys doesn't it? ___________________________________ Below:  Pictures of Pro-Russian Separatist Militias DPR, LPR Does they look familiar to you?  They should.  Some of these Pro-Russian militias even communicate with a few American Militias: discussing tactics, maneuvers and strategies__    In fact the LPR photograph is of actual Russian Soldiers out of uniform fighting with and advising local separatist militia members.  Modern day Militias have been a global-good-ol-boys-club since the 1960's.   Since the age of the internet has come along: citizen militias, strengths, relevance and effectiveness have expanded exponentially.  _______________...

Calling A War Criminal A Genius In His Methods, Is a Willful Endorsement That Cannot Be Retracted nor Explained Away____

A vulgar irony exists within MAGA-World, as it's primary campaign- slogan cries out for the elimination of the 'Marxist-Socialist-Communist' element in the Far-Left of America__  __While our 45th POTUS proclaims the #1 Poster-Boy for Soviet-Communism is a Genius__ __ and thinks the idea of invading a neighboring country to control his own border while he destroys the lives of a people of an interntionaly recognized sovereign nation, is 'smart.'    If this does not convince the illformed, misguided, willfully ignorant followers of our previous president, that POTUS-45 is one of the most maniacal, evil and narcissistic individuals to come upon the world stage____    I can no longer be a friend to you__ The blatant willful ignorance of the Far Right American Nationalists and their fundamentalist Christian Right Church PACS' has become hypocritically nauseating.... if not downright insane.   Calling A War Criminal A Genius In His Methods, Is a Willfu...