Calling A War Criminal A Genius In His Methods, Is a Willful Endorsement That Cannot Be Retracted nor Explained Away____

A vulgar irony exists within MAGA-World, as it's primary campaign- slogan cries out for the elimination of the 'Marxist-Socialist-Communist' element in the Far-Left of America__ 

__While our 45th POTUS proclaims the #1 Poster-Boy for Soviet-Communism is a Genius__

__ and thinks the idea of invading a neighboring country to control his own border while he destroys the lives of a people of an interntionaly recognized sovereign nation, is 'smart.'   

If this does not convince the illformed, misguided, willfully ignorant followers of our previous president, that POTUS-45 is one of the most maniacal, evil and narcissistic individuals to come upon the world stage____    I can no longer be a friend to you__

The blatant willful ignorance of the Far Right American Nationalists and their fundamentalist Christian Right Church PACS' has become hypocritically nauseating.... if not downright insane.  

Calling A War Criminal A Genius In His Methods, Is a Willful Endorsement That Cannot Be Retracted nor Explained Away____ 

If there is any doubt in your mind about President Putin's intent of returning Russia to a Neo-Soviet-Communistic Empire, note the photograph below of Russian tanks entering Ukraine sporting Soviet flags.  

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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