Benign Political Rhetoric For Decades, Obligates Us To Fight Neo-Sovietism

Benign Geo-Political Rhetoric for decades, obligates us to now fight against Neo-Sovietism_  Because the war is here now, not tomorrow_  

If we do not bring a more robust western-military-intervention into Ukraine the world will have once again allowed this Neo-Soviet aggressor to continue his intentions upon more vulnerable countries. 

Not to mention the threat it will impose upon the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. 

Just as the Nazis were on Britains doorstep in 1940_  FDR knew that his total involvement in the war in Europe was inevitable and eventual military conflict was unavoidable. Washington must see this. 

This is not an isolated offensive by Russia.  If you understand the historic background and itelligence of Putin's ethos, you will learn that this is part of a grand scheme he is willing to rage upon Europe at his expense of his citizens and his country's standing throughout the world.  

If you think my newly coined-phrase 'Neo-Sovietism'  is a phrase-too-far, note the Newsreels on your television sets and observe the purposefully placed Soviet flags on Russian Army vehicles during this past week.  


The fact that newscasters, writers and producers have not made significant and alarming announcements to the public about these Soviet flags is astonishing. 

The inevitable resurfacing of a Neo-Soviet Russia has been in our faces for at least a decade now. 

Did we really think, that 100 years of totalitarianism, ethnic-cleansing, anti-religion, anti-civil rights, global espionage, intellectual property theft and repetitive practices of international assassinations of political, civil and philosophical opponents was going to pass softly into the night?

They never left.  Many of these KGB/Soviet Mafiosos embezzled massive amounts of wealth (during the collapse of the USSR) and have become the Oligarchs we speak of today.  Some changed into sheep's clothing and have been waiting for their Soviet days to return.     

Did we really think that the thousands of ruthless KGB officers and their superiors were going to find God and melt into passive obedient citizens, progressively holistic liberated thinkers and model citizens?  

When Soviet Russia fell, millions of Russians were quite faithful to the Soviet Empire and still are. 

Yet, once again our western naiveté has blocked all of the geo-political-sensibilities we learned during those fearful years of the cold war.     

Now___  Endless political slogans, decrees, donations, pledges and promises for permanent peace in Europe without significant action has brought us this result___

          This is not a picture from the 1980's.  This is March, 2022__

 It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas 

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