Ukraine's War Began With Militias__ Will The Same Happen In America ?

Ukraine's War Began With Militias__ It Can Very Well Do The Same Here, If 'Freedom' Remains Undefined within American Federal Law.  

Ukraine's War began with seperatist militias in the southeast territories of it's nation. 

Looks like the Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, Boogaloo Boys doesn't it?


Below:  Pictures of Pro-Russian Separatist Militias DPR, LPR

Does they look familiar to you?  They should.  Some of these Pro-Russian militias even communicate with a few American Militias: discussing tactics, maneuvers and strategies__   

In fact the LPR photograph is of actual Russian Soldiers out of uniform fighting with and advising local separatist militia members. 

Modern day Militias have been a global-good-ol-boys-club since the 1960's.  

Since the age of the internet has come along: citizen militias, strengths, relevance and effectiveness have expanded exponentially. 


Modern day militias are a product of a specific tribe within a population that has decided the only way they can advance or defend their beliefs, doctrine and allegiances, is by belligerence through military engagement with whom they wish to overpower or eliminate...  

...A personal if not spiritual commitment to use weaponry to cause bodily harm and or death until ones opponent surrenders under capitulation by attrition or by suffering insurmountable casualties that cannot be endured by an opponent any further.

To my American friends and colleagues, I say to you_

You have a militia problem in your country_  

          _and you have dismissed this for far to long  

"A well regulated militia" was not a request, nor proposal. As it was written it is a stated requirement, within your founding Constitution. 


When a militia gains the support from narcissistic political lunatics who become poster boys for a militia's cause -- inspiring them to influence and assist in political, judicial and logistic maneuvers to deregulate weapon laws and abuse benign constitutional amendments whose intents and powers have been diluted over many decades, which further allows treasonous rhetoric and gatherings of illegal and unregulated militia groups to plan and execute their objectives_  

If left-unchecked, the road to an insurgent civil war in America within the next five to ten years will be well paved and ready to be traveled. 

_the end result is what you see in Ukraine today. 

The horrific exodus of a population of San Diego in eight days...  

...This is what Militias can start.  Even in America_

Having lived during the Troubles in Northern Ireland and have being raised by Czech refugees of Nazi occupation during WW2 and then brutal totalitarianism of Communist rule, I have some foundation and understanding what military maneuvers of destruction in order to reach a populations solutions leads to. 

Americans have watched war footage from around the world on their T.V. sets for decades.  Far off wars: Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, The Gulf War, Afghanistan.  

Some have lost loved ones, or have welcomed soldiers home with horrific injuries, lived their PTSD or lost them to their inabilities to fully return home both in body, mind and spirit.  

Or maybe most of you have met the small percentage of soldiers who return with war still in their eyes and have a boiling resentment against a government who sent them to a conflict impossible to win while fighting by ubsured 'rules of engagement' Politicians placed upon them_ Where they lost their best friends, perhaps killed innocents, or just never understood what was it all for.  

To cope with their unanswered questions, they look to join another fight, a fight that will take their rage to the people who used and manipulated them into the mental hell they may never escape.  

American militias have dozens if not hundreds of these individuals as members:  

The Proud Boys, The 3 Percenters, The Boogaloo Boys and numerous other proud American Militia groups falling into more Neo-Nazi doctrine.

A dead mother and her two teenage children, killed on a 'safe route' for fleeing refugees.   

If militias engage you, these are the results_  

With help from powerful leaders and powerful rogue mentors, 

This kind of war is a result_ 

Which can very easily happen in America.  


 It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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