With Freedom, Comes Obligation, The Collective Obligation...

The very science of humankind, the mathematics of societal development, the finite explanation of what constitutes a 'civilized world' involves morals, ethics, virtues and decorum shared by all to all. 

A collective obligation served between all inhabitants upon this earth. 

Those civilizations that have lived to the formula of a code of 'Natural Law:' have prevailed.   

Those who have lived counter to this have tragically perished into the annals of human history's failures___  


In light of the expression: 'Live Free or Die' and its rapid re-birth becoming the battle cry within a vast swath of nihilists within modern day America_    I observe__

There is no law in the United States that prevents a citizen from living ones life in willful denial of world standards of intellectualism, mathematics of science and medicine or within any of the basic principles of natural law or common law that pre-empts the religious or governmental ethos of today or structure established within modern civilization since 2500 B.C.E.    

But, as the saying goes... 

                              "No man lives by his own rules_" 


...not if one wishes to live amongst human beings within a civilized society_ 

__and to reap the gifts of a collective society growing wealth and security for themselves as well as for each other:

                       _Live Free or Die... kills the essence of a civilization_


...Sharing the achievements of others 

as you share yours with them_  

This is called living within the 'human race'_  

Anything opposed, is a violation of

the Natural Law of this earth_




For those far right bible quoting-Christian MAGA Soldiers out there_


You may think living in the most liberated land in history has afforded you the right to serve no one, answer to no one and not be forced to give to anyone...  

...and with that, Freedom is an autonomous right that no other person or government can take from you... 

...Yet, you may overlooked the fact that your gift of 'Freedom' has lived an obligation to the nation in which you reside by the privilege bestowed you since your birth within your country and by the diligent sacrifice of others whom have given their lives for your freedoms and comforts.

The rise of the nihilist and the despoilment of Freedom is what has taken hold with this revolution of 'Live Free or Die' 


Without a 'collective obligation' instilled within each individual of a civilization, there will always remain a hole, a darkness that will spread and eventually overtake they who fail to cooperate__

... so I ask you... what are you doing about it? 

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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