My fellow Artists__ Let Your Art Be The Change You Want The World To Be
I appeal to my fellow Artists around the world on this New Years Eve 2022_ I challenge all of you to 'Be The Change' to 'Inspire Change' to promote Love, Humanity and Compassion and to join our inherent 'Collective Obligation' as artists to serve all in need upon this earth_ We are the progressives, the liberal idealistic minds that inspire advocacy and change, propelling humankind's ascension to a more sophisticated truth, justice and morality__ With this, I challenge my Artistic colleagues to abandon the mediums that reflect the darkness without solutions. For too long, we have been Interpreting the ugly without offering answers, imitating the immoral without offering truth, we sensationalize the murderous which only propels further prejudice, hate and tribalism that you we have had to live through for so long. If we continue to do this within our Artistic ventures, we are simply regurgitating__ re-living the same darkness our opponents embrace...