
My fellow Artists__ Let Your Art Be The Change You Want The World To Be

I appeal to my fellow Artists around the world on this New Years Eve 2022_   I challenge all of you to 'Be The Change' to 'Inspire Change' to promote Love, Humanity and Compassion and to join our inherent 'Collective Obligation' as artists to serve all in need upon this earth_  We are the progressives, the liberal idealistic minds that inspire advocacy and change, propelling humankind's ascension to a more sophisticated truth, justice and morality__ With this, I challenge my Artistic colleagues to abandon the mediums that reflect the darkness without solutions.   For too long, we have been Interpreting the ugly without offering answers, imitating the immoral without offering truth, we sensationalize the murderous which only propels further prejudice, hate and tribalism that you we have had to live through for so long. If we continue to do this within our Artistic ventures, we are simply regurgitating__ re-living the same darkness our opponents embrace...

Beware of Churches Who Preach Contrary To Your Duty For Your Country

When your Church preaches religious-individualism counter to the patriotic obligations required from your country_  You must remember: It is your country that has gifted your church the freedom to practice it's religion within this country_   Unfortunately, this has come to America and has infested our Government throughout the land. _________________________ Those who denounce their duty to their country in the practice of their religion, shall soon find a darkness that will eventually approach all of us__   Individual rights exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.   States Rights for Religious practice exist because the country you live in affords you those rights.   When your country asks you to do your patriotic duty and abridge your rights in crises of war, pandemic or disaster,  You have NO right to refuse to perform your duties as a citizen of that country__   'Religious Individualism' at times of crises is the ...

The Voice v.s. A Gun

       A virtuous voice has saved more lives      Than a gun in hand has killed     Which world do you choose ?                                                                                               Tom MacLear  @TomMaclear It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

Can a Cult of Selfishness Serve All Peoples Rights?

Can a cult of selfishness serve all people rights? Of course it can't.  Therefore, it is the ongoing 'collective obligation' of our civilization to serve, protect and to embolden each others advancements, to induce harmony and equality throughout the world's population. Unfortunately, contrary to the need of a 'harmonic-equality' (oligarchs of the narcissistic persuasion) devised numerous nefarious mechanisms to counter natural law's duty of the 'collective obligation.' This mechanism has been passed down from the feudal systems dating back as far as the 9th century and has utilized it's formula in eloquent execution through the centuries.   Capitalism, unchecked: shall eventually fail in civil revolution, just as Feudalism did 400 years ago.   In order to retain their opulent life syles, oligarchs have continuously impeded the potential avenues of sharing wealth with any new-comers.   They enable commoners only to gain from their visionary g...

Law Of The Land v.s. States Rights v.s. Religion in Government

Law of the land      v.s. States Rights          v.s. Political Party Platforms              v.s. Weaponized Church Doctrine in Government                  =   The slight of hand brings authoritarianism to a nation                            and a malignancy within the natural law                                  of a nation's soul ___    Individual rights exist because the country you live in  affords you those rights.   States rights exist because the country you live in  affords you those rights.   When your country a...

Critical Race Theory and Reality

Those who object to Critical Race Theory are ones whom either feel they are non-factors in racist theory or have their own complexities within their humanity to justify suppressing it's benefits within our educational systems_ _or subconsciously have toiled with their own visceral anger of their personal lineage and haven't come to grips with it_    _As it ties them to the shame of an Antebellum childhood of racist norms, however subliminally unintended, which still exists within, beyond ones ability to recognize or apologize for, let alone change.   Do we dare say___ ...if you were raised and educated within a culture that has never accepted the full  terms of surrender at the end of a military conflict in 1865 ?... _and you wish to continue this war in proxy thru judicial warfare within state and federal courts.  Than 'Critical Race Theory' must be abolished from all educational system across the land. This proxy-civil-war is called 'Jim Crow,' and it ...

Neurochemistry Debunks All Political Claims Upon Us

It is your neurobiological self, that defines what you are: religiously, politically, socially, financially and ad infinitum__   __and we can see which groups of society lives within this analysis and explains who functions better under life's challenges and who do not.  It is time to look to each other, to see if we could use a readjustment within.  Deep within our minds.  ________________________________ S ad, how tragic moments in our lives: such as war, terrorist attacks, natural disasters and pandemics pull the veil from ourselves and reveal the true character of each and every one of us.   This is why Individualists and Collectivists will never see eye to eye while discussing politics, religion, economics or social issues.   Furthermore, if we look only to our political parties or our churches for answers, we are doomed, for in these things, the answers will not be found. To tackle this all consuming fire within this country, one must...