Neurochemistry Debunks All Political Claims Upon Us

It is your neurobiological self, that defines what you are: religiously, politically, socially, financially and ad infinitum__  

__and we can see which groups of society lives within this analysis and explains who functions better under life's challenges and who do not. 

It is time to look to each other, to see if we could use a readjustment within.  Deep within our minds. 


Sad, how tragic moments in our lives: such as war, terrorist attacks, natural disasters and pandemics pull the veil from ourselves and reveal the true character of each and every one of us.  

This is why Individualists and Collectivists will never see eye to eye while discussing politics, religion, economics or social issues.  

Furthermore, if we look only to our political parties or our churches for answers, we are doomed, for in these things, the answers will not be found.

To tackle this all consuming fire within this country, one must first turn to find the match that lit the tumultuous blaze that has consumed us_ 

It is our psychology, our cognitive abilities to empathize, to care for, to lend charity, to champion the needy, to rise above the ones who refuse to give to the collective obligation of humanity, while insisting on giving only to themselves...  (citing: "Hey!... it's a free country...")...

...this is the fire that is destroying the spiritual fabric of our society.

I prey this post speaks to everyone. 

Beyond political parties, or what state you reside, what economic bracket you live in... 

...the simple fact is__ neurochemistry is what dictates all of this... coping, reaction, healing, engaging... 

It is not your political party nor your church or peer pressure that dictates what choices you make for yourself.  

Neurologists now know the cognitive mind can retrain itself, (if genetics allow) but the illness of rampant 'Individualism' and self consuming narcissism cannot and will not sustain a nation in dire need of a "collective obligation." 

Individualism is not considered a psycological condition.   As it does not quite bring us to a narcissism that harms oneself or others.  

It is however, deadly to the life's blood of charity, humility, honor, compassion and the rest of the sublime qualities that keep a society civilized. 

...However, mental illness, cognitive deficiencies, lack of critical thinking abilities, crippling paranoia-schizophrenia driven by conspiracy manifestations, warrior-gene-driven-militant-rational etc., 

These are products of neurobiological irregularities in conjunction with an individual's: social, environmental and genetic factors that have nothing to do with what political, religious or social sect they belong.  

In fact these proxy entities are merely vehicles for an individuals hunger to anchor ones ethos to have purpose and meaning to oneself.  

However, it is a sad fact indeed, that political parties and religious sects purposefully exploit these souls who are embattled within themselves, for their own nefarious gains.

“This country will not fall from without, but from within__”

 Rise up and fight for the lost ones among you. 


Read More of the Common Good: individualism v.s. collectivism



 It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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