Critical Race Theory and Reality

Those who object to Critical Race Theory are ones whom either feel they are non-factors in racist theory or have their own complexities within their humanity to justify suppressing it's benefits within our educational systems_

_or subconsciously have toiled with their own visceral anger of their personal lineage and haven't come to grips with it_   

_As it ties them to the shame of an Antebellum childhood of racist norms, however subliminally unintended, which still exists within, beyond ones ability to recognize or apologize for, let alone change.  

Do we dare say___

...if you were raised and educated within a culture that has never accepted the full  terms of surrender at the end of a military conflict in 1865 ?...

_and you wish to continue this war in proxy thru judicial warfare within state and federal courts.  Than 'Critical Race Theory' must be abolished from all educational system across the land.

This proxy-civil-war is called 'Jim Crow,' and it is alive today more than ever, due to the ever rising far right militant base that has been emboldened and facilitated by many current Political leaders, radio and television propaganda networks and far-right Christian based congregations who wish to insert Religion into Government to finally form a new nation under Ayrian-Fundamentalist Doctrine, that was founded under the same principles the Confederation of States utilized in their succession from the North in 1860.

Critical Race Theory would not exist without Jim Crow. 

Jim Crow: Perfected, justified and implemented by snake-oil-far-right Christian doctrine and archaic Tribal-Euro-Anglo legacies and traditions_

_who's political leaders have weaponized over the last 160 years and have embedded into rural and urban, northern and southern, white and non-white individuals ever since:  

_slowly turning the United States back to the dark-ages of tribalism. 

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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