Can a Cult of Selfishness Serve All Peoples Rights?

Can a cult of selfishness serve all people rights?

Of course it can't.  Therefore, it is the ongoing 'collective obligation' of our civilization to serve, protect and to embolden each others advancements, to induce harmony and equality throughout the world's population.

Unfortunately, contrary to the need of a 'harmonic-equality' (oligarchs of the narcissistic persuasion) devised numerous nefarious mechanisms to counter natural law's duty of the 'collective obligation.'

This mechanism has been passed down from the feudal systems dating back as far as the 9th century and has utilized it's formula in eloquent execution through the centuries.  

Capitalism, unchecked: shall eventually fail in civil revolution, just as Feudalism did 400 years ago.  

In order to retain their opulent life syles, oligarchs have continuously impeded the potential avenues of sharing wealth with any new-comers.  

They enable commoners only to gain from their visionary gifts who have propelled their dreams of entrepreneurship into progressive visions to create a more harmonic and lucrative future for a larger population within their society.  

But the ceiling above the middle class grows thicker as the disparity of wealth grows exponentially.  As the 'good ol' boys club' has few ambitions in expanding membership in their club.  

Facing this dilemma, oligarchs, through the centuries, have convinced the middle class, the embattled poor or the misguided or uneducated:  

...To fight their wars for them, labor within inhumane conditions and  live their lives impoverished to serve their duty to a world they will never know true partnership or benefit of... 

..."there are others willing to take your place at a drop of a hat and don't you forget that, you ungrateful..."       

Since the collapse of the remnants of Fuedalistic European powers following the world wars' one and two, there has been at least an effort, to level the playing field__ 

Have we not learned from previous societies?  

The most successful, most enduring civilizations took the greater deeds of each individual, submit what was gained into their tribe, village, or kingdom and in turn built upon their achievements so that all would collectively advanced in life?

For no weak link was tolerated for life or death of a civilization. 

From these actions, they were a stronger society for allowing each individual of their population to:  

Travel the road others built.  Used water from streams others forged, brought goods to a village upon roads others built, or lived within shelters others created for all within.

Shelter, roads, food, protection.  Basics for a civilizations' existence. 

Created individually but for others collectively to use.  For it was everyone's obligation for the greater good and beyond themselves.

Most oligarchs hide behind the barbs shouted by Capitalists in today's circles, describing this system of sharing equal to build each others barn or till each others crops, to have an equal chance to profit from a collective obligation is just plain: Socialism. 

Through these early days of building some of the greatest civilizations (16th-19th centuries), Karl Marx and Socialism wasn't yet even a gleam in his mother's eye. 

The civilizations, who allowed greed, feudalism and exclusiveness against sectors of the aforementioned population, eventually destroyed themselves from within, by class war, economic struggle and starvation.  

Capitalism, unchecked: shall eventually fail in civil revolution, just as Feudalism did 400 years ago.   

In result_ Capitalism's enduring tactic is to convince the masses that 'the wealthy have the right to not pay their fair share in proportion of their wealth, for they are the ones who "clothe and feed these souls who need their Capitalist big-brothers."

If the Collective Obligation is allowed to work unimpeded, there will come an opportunity for each individual to discover their plot in life.  

Their time in the sun to flower and become the very best of themselves. 

Similar to the greatest religions of the world, who promote the individuals' desire towards ones betterment of oneself, which in turn  emboldens each and every congregant to hold a higher standard and awareness for others.  The circle of individualism and collectivism can achieve a perfect commonality within a society.  

Hence the first glimpse of a utopian existence.

 'The collective obligation' by all for all.      

The answer to prevent such tragedies is: 'The Collective Obligation.'   


The duty of a people who wish to anoint themselves as: civilized. 


"A society of laws, morals and ethics for all.  A living extension of Natural Law unimpeded..."    


"The common discipline..."   FDR


"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"        JFK


It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas



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