The New GOP: A Cult or a Political Party?

The Republican party we have known for 75 years has dissolved.  

The traditional: Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush Republican platform has been stolen and their ethos cast aside for a culture of faux-history and conspiracy theories. 

Tribalism fully realized; The inevitable downfall of the Political Party System which both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson warned us of is happening right before our eyes. 

Instead of building a political process based within a meritocracy, the American political system has been inundated with individuals who are either less educated, less ethical or simply devoid of conscience, than the constituents who entrusted them to defend their country's soul.  

A new conservative faction within the Republican base has emerged.   An extreme right contingent whose unapologetic voter base includes:  The Libertarian Republican Caucus, the White Supremacist Caucus, The QAnon Caucus and more fringe groups join its ranks every day. 

January 6th was the declaration of war within the Republican party.  

May 12th was D-Day, as the Republican Party doubled down and voted out one of the most respected voices of the conservative base for the last 20 years. 

This split will be irreversible.  The question is,  who will keep the Republican Party name?  Will some rise to save it's dyeing base?  

The problem is, by saving the old, one must split the vote with the new, which would be the Democrats dream and the death of the Republican party as a viable voter option.      

No matter the faithful turnout for Potus-45 in 2020,  never has a Republican president lost a popular vote by such a greater margin in this country's history.  

This is why this beleaguered party ramped up it's desperate agenda in earnest.

360 Voter Suppression Bills have been filed by Republicans in 47 states over the last three months after the GOP failed insurrection.  Not to mention, the dozens of 'Critical Race Theory' Bills that are being blocked and or voted down in most of the 28 Republican base states. 

The new media talking point is: 'The Civil War within the Republican Party." 

It is interesting how we meme, we hash tag, we toy with the hypothetical:  'Civil War II'____  

However, the reality fits the slogan.

 ____This writer has traveled throughout this nation for over 40 years and has experienced and written about America's society from all walks of life, all races all creeds and sociopolitical worlds; and I have come to one inexplicable conclusion:   That the Civil War of 1861 never really ended.  

The Civil War war simply ceased belligerent engagements in 1865, in favor of a continued covert war within the political arena.  Launching surgical dissensions, filibusters and boycotts, to keep the war on simmer, until there would be a day when this 'Rebel' base could rise again.  

This group's arsenal has been fully implemented in its recent sorties of sedition on January 6th, with close air support from dozens of internet platforms spewing misinformation and blatant false narratives (faux-history) in hopes to divide our country once and for all.

From political curators of anti-intellectualism, far-right-fundamentalist religious leaders and billionaire funded propaganda network news agencies, an array of weapons have been used by this movement since the Jim Crow years...  for these are the foot soldiers of the unresolved conflict which began 156 years ago.

They feel that this is their time. They have the division, they have the catalyst and since hi-jacking the Republican Party they now have the political vehicle to realize their dreams.

Since 1865 political officials such as: Benjamin Tillman, James Eastland, John C. Stennis, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond etc., have carried out measured sortie's of philosophic-belligerence and procedural-pugilism, camouflaged within the spirit of political locution, jurisprudence and passive-aggressive political debate. 

These representatives have gained profound advantages for their causes, most notably: Civil/Voter Rights suppression for over 100 years, officially ending in 1965, yet unofficially continues to this day 56 years later and is finding a resurgence in 47 states at this very moment. 

For decades, skirmishes between a specific group of States v.s. Federal elected officials have been brilliantly white washed within the media and press, for the simple fact that: printing the reality of some states intentions would be so disquieting that such facts would enrage a population into unrest. 

Perhaps, a glimpse of the reality I am revealing has appeared to you on or since January 6th. 

News Editors across the country have a duty to the interests of national security in preventing civil unrest that would transpire if these back door dealings I have eluded to were publicly released unredacted... 

Transcripts and recordings between Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., and Lyndon B. Johnson and MLK, reveal just the tip of the iceberg of what compromises and strategies are planned outside the walls of the House of Representatives.  There are rooms of evidence that would support my theories.  Perhaps a request under the 'Freedom of Information Act' will allow me to bring more your way. 

Perhaps the blame should not be pointed exclusively at the field generals of this current: "Civil War," such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, McCarthy, Hawley, Cruz, Biggs in addition to General Mike Flynn and Matt Gaetz who both have suggested / alluded to "armed insurrection" in America to achieve their parties cultural and political goals at recent political fund raising appearances this year. 

If you take the time to read the minutes of Congressional debates and Newspaper reports of the dialogue that was recorded from successional political figures in 1859-60, you will find the same pre-Civil War rhetoric is hauntingly similar to today's NEW GOP.

Perhaps we should look at the ones who planted the seeds of this invasive crop of contempt and bigotry 156 years ago.

Due to the over compensation of pardons and reinstatements for the treasonous secessionists of1861, we have since suffered this eternal cancer created by the naivete' of rudderless, Federal Government officials, who failed to treat a defeated entity who fought to destroy their nation as all defeated armies of decent and malice should.  

Instead, they were embraced with pardons.   This rudderless group of politicians did the best they could after the loss of Abraham Lincoln (their moral compass).  His assassination was a pivotal act that surely enabled the the Souths defiant agendas to rise once again during Reconstruction and Jim Crow. 

The victors pardoned, excused and normalized the consequences of some 750,000 deaths, which actually further emboldened a defeated southern culture in war, but never in spirit  (note: The Daughters of the Confederacy), who romanticized and minimalized the realities of a brutal conflict that holds to this day amongst millions of Americans.  

This has in fact created a new and more powerful platform of extremist independent thought: Inalienable States Rights emboldened by the eternal rebel-cry: "The South will rise again."  

This is not a bumper sticker, a Stock Car banner, a T-Shirt, a Daisy-Dukes-Iron-On, nor a Rock & Roll song.  This is real life.   

It should shock even the most common of bystanders, that an ethos, a message, a religiously endorsed cause will be maintained no matter the outcome of a war between our two Americas.

Beyond the breathes of the thousands of lawmakers who have served in Washington D.C. since 1866,  I would surely hope the aforementioned words have convinced you of my conclusions.  Or at least have led you to give them some thought.  

I feel it my obligation to the collective of our great nation to remind us of this reality.  



Liz Cheney Quotes:



Further Education on this matter, an important read:

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

The forty-two-minute recording, acquired by James Carter IV, confirms Atwater’s incendiary remarks and places them in context.

By Rick Perlstein

It has become, for liberals and leftists enraged by the way Republicans never suffer the consequences for turning electoral politics into a cesspool, a kind of smoking gun. The late, legendarily brutal campaign consultant Lee Atwater explains how Republicans can win the vote of racists without sounding racist themselves:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”


   Note my blog entitled: Lies of a Nations' Educational Institutions   dated: July 13th, 2020 




 It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas



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