Sociopaths in Public Service

 Sociopaths in Public Service

Have you ever wondered, what drives certain individuals in public office to create such enormous levels of heartache, anguish and hatred throughout a population, while pursuing their own private agendas.  More often than not, it is primarily to satisfy their idiosyncratic natures within their maniacally narcissistic brains, long before we realize, their ethos has nothing to do with the benefit of humankind? 

Natural Law has no roots within their conscience_
_They will claim, they are serving the people around them.  That they are patriots who have stepped into the fray to fight in the trenches for all of us.  To bear the scars of battle, to bleed for us, to set themselves on fire if need be, all for the greater good of their country.    

Some would suggest, this kind of individual would be a 'Sociopath' by nature or one who has ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) 
The word Antisocial, is quite misleading in the world of psychology v.s. politics.  
As by definition, a considerable amount of individuals with ASPD are driven to be involved with the human element on a vast scale:  Public service, is the perfect playground for these individuals.
Perhaps, this is why so few gifted intellectuals wish to involve themselves within the political arena.
Occasionally, rogue political figures aspire to divide and enrage a population, in order to create a chaotic void within which they can fulfill their agendas.  Sewing conflict, tension, anguish and hatred throughout their world, it is a process, perfected by the many authoritarians who have come before them.
'Divide and Conquer': The Machiavellian technique for absolute control.   Once their opponents are divided,  little opposition can be mounted against their nefarious agendas in play.

There is no humanity within ASPD or NDP induced Politics.  No conscience, no sense of honor, decorum, ethics, nor empathy.  
What ever the objective is within these individuals, no matter how immoral, illegal or devastating it may be, every tool of darkness is in their tool box, at their disposal, without reservation.
Once in control of their surroundings, they feel safe and fulfilled.  Sitting within the eye of 'their hurricane' a personal contentment consumes them,  which most will never understand. 
Post analysis: This type of human being is more often than not, categorized with:  Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) working in tandem with:  NDP,

Antisocial personality disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder    
• Mental health disorders characterized by disregard for other people.   
• Those with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) may begin to show symptoms in childhood, but the condition can't be diagnosed until adolescence or adulthood.  
• Those with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie, break laws, act impulsively, and lack regard for their own safety or the safety of others. 

Divide and Conquer:  Common Techniques of an Individual with ASPD or NDP

Wikipedia sources:


In politics, the concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people to prevent a rebellion against the elites or the people implementing the strategy. The goal is either to pit the lower classes against themselves to prevent a revolution, or to provide a desired solution to the growing discord that strengthens the power of the elites.[9]

The principle "divide et impera" is cited as a common in politics by Traiano Boccalini in La bilancia politica.[10]

Narcissistic Parenting

In families where one or both parents shows traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NDP), they will attempt control of their children through a technique akin to political divide et impera by pitting child against child in a struggle for their affection.[11] A common practice by the narcissistic parent is to designate a 'golden-child' who receives praise and can do no wrong, and a 'scape-goat' who gets the blame for everything that goes wrong, but this is used by the narcissist to further divide them by keeping both children in a state of insecurity about their positions in the family. In their battle to receive the limited supply of approval from the parent, they will see each other as a threat, and the parent can assume the role of saviour when they intervene to calm the aggression they created.[12][13][14]

Psychopathy in the workplace

Clive R. Boddy found that "divide and conquer" was a common strategy by corporate psychopaths used as a smokescreen to help consolidate and advance their grip on power in the corporate hierarchy.[15]

First Prize




 It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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