Two Trillion Dollar Defense Budget?

President Trumps speech at West Point highlighted a two (2) trillion dollar package for the Armed Forces over the next several years. Interesting investment in a military that has been unable to end two (2) major conflicts the U.S. initiated 20 years ago.

The individuals who are controlling the fate of the current wars abroad continue to refuse the advise from military scholars who have suggested a new course of strategy towards modern conflict for decades.  
Scholars from every Military Academy in the U.S., as well as foreign military advisors from the very regions we are at war with. 

Instead the Washington political machine insists on running the same game plan that is failing today.  A plan created in the 1940's where the amount and size of infantry and weaponry won the day.   Unfortunately, this only worked 75 years ago.  Another age, a new (but old) reality of warfare, took hold in Indochina during the 1950's and the true complexity of warfare changed forever.    

Of course, we can trace guerilla warfare as far back as ancient times.  But we should know this world of tactics from our own revolution against Britain in the 18th century.  Warfare the colonists applied against a far superior force which was tactfully rigid and slowly deployed British army.  
The Americans learned, quick strike and concealment from the Native American warriors who held off the far more technically advanced European powers in North America for 100 years.  
Fast forward to the 20th century. 

Military Scholars have advised politicians in Washington D.C. that militant adversaries of the United States of America read "The Hồ Chi Minh Guerilla Warfare Handbook" decades ago and have executed every lesson it teaches impeccably.   

Hence the failure in Vietnam.  Russia's failure in Afghanistan and the recent failure to realistically claim 'mission accomplished' in Iraq and it's surrounding hot spots.  
In result, there is no amount of money, technology or advanced armament that can be applied IN IT"S CURRENT FORM AND APPROACH  by the United States Military that will ensure victory of any kind in our current military conflicts.

Since the early 1960's the science of military campaigns and strategies has evolved in such an accelerated fashion, it has caught the major powers of the world, especially the United States flat footed and anemic in it's duty to adjust to save lives, shorten armed conflicts and prevent collateral damages upon innocents.

The inability to recognize its need to adjust their understanding of modern warfare has been a money printing bonanza for American companies that manufacture armaments.  
Without the checks and balances:  (not 'the mass and prowess of the weaponry' but in the 'final analysis and results of the weaponry utilized to obtain a timely and total defeat of ones opponent) -  We will continue to fight wars that are unwinnable, further tarnishing the credibility of United States' foreign policy and it's legitimacy as the worlds' keeper of peace.  

.Just as it caught the military brass by surprise during WWI (1914-1918):  As they fought with archaic Napoleonic tactics against the recently developed technology of automatic weaponry, chemical warfare, tanks, and artillery with lethal ranges as far as 75 miles.  In result, anachronistic strategists slaughtered millions of soldiers due to their inability to adapt and adjust to the new world order of warfare.

4 Trillion dollars have been spent in both Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001, and it has left the United States with what?

Can the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military Complex be doing something wrong?

Over twenty (20) years, The United States bombed, napalmed, sprayed chemicals and even fought hand to hand with an enemy living in huts, tunnels and jungles, amassing 50,441 American deaths during the Vietnam conflict which ended in no clear strategic, political or moral victory.

For twenty years, The United States has been bombing and fighting an enemy on the ground that lives in caves, tunnels, desert hideaways, mud homes as well as in city neighborhoods and slums, amassing approx., 7,000 American deaths with no clear strategic or political victory in sight.  

Deja vu____


It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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