I Have A Dream... Do You Have A Dream?

I have a dream ... what is your dream?

To Rise up and Protest, to strive to achieve CHANGE from the injustice, oppression, prejudice and systematic torture and murder of a people... one must first understand the ‘mathematics’ of a righteous and legitimate Civil/Revolution.

For this, one must earn the respect of a Judicial System and Government that represents the society of which you chose to change: by setting non-violent and intellectually-based precedents.

“For the people of the people by the people”...

Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr were two individuals who, through their studies, practice and life experiences gained possession of the complex “equations” which moved the ‘Mathematics Of Law and Governance’ .... solely for this profound struggle of human existence.

One of these men brought the British Empire to its knees, the other achieved the greatest Constitutional change within the United States which this country (or the world) has not witnessed since.

..... For the equations have been lost and forgotten by others who wished to stand at the abandoned pulpit and attempt to lead a traumatized people whom have lost their profit.

... Charismatic, captivating leaders who have preceded or followed these two men, who hi-jacked and altered the equations, (perversely-contrary) to the righteous genius Gandhi and MLK jr possessed.

In result we continuously fail to achieve little to no change over this past half century.

“The equations are there to alter the mathematics of an oppressive world, we simple have forgotten how to add or subtract.”

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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