...And Then There's the 'Boogaloo Boys'

Ahhhh yes.... and there's the good ol' Boogaloo boys..... We had the 'Hawks' and the 'Hard Hats' in the early '70s, only difference is, they weren't stupid enough to brandish firearms. If you don't think this isn't Violent Protest... Many courts across America have time and again ruled the very visual of this 'IS VIOLENCE'.

Just as the Judicial institutions of America find the visual of the extreme such as: Rape Art, Violence and Horror Films, Rock & Roll and Hip Hop Songs that preach violence, death and darkness: has chosen to vote (majority of the cases) against the 1st Amendment right of the Defendant on the grounds for the collective obligation of THE LAW to protect the decency, ethics and morals of a society and in the choice that "the right to create such perception of violence does not exceed the 1st Amendment right of the peoples right to NOT be subjected to such vulgar and hateful expression.

I as an artist, stand against any artist who wishes to declare his rights under the First Amendment to darken the minds of individuals who should have the right to not be subjected to the Artists nightmare and insatiable need to make sure everyone else sees it. 
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