
Freedom, do you know how to keep it?

“Freedom” is earned from a fervent implementation of our  Bill Of Rights executed in the spirit of our founding fathers gift of liberty for all:     “For The People by the People practiced within a Collective Obligation of Service" to ones country by each and every one of us - This equation will find success if we continue to condemn the Narcissistic Individualism this country has surrendered to.    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you could do for your country."

I Will Never Forgive The American Political Machine....

And this is why I boycott the POLITICAL system of government... for I will never forgive what the elected individuals who inhabit the halls of Government have enabled which have lead us to the death of ethics and decorum within Washington D.C.       Let us abolish:  Political Parties, Citizens United,  The Electoral College,  Multiple Terms In Office, Lobbyists, Political Pardons.  Install Constitutional Amendments:     a)  To install legal & academic requirements of all individuals who wish to run for public office.   b)  Mandatory congressional hearings/reviews of every presidential candidate.   c) All federal candidates must pass the same approval process (before being allowed to run for federal office.    Give us:    Democracy, Meritocracy, Nobility, Courage, Humanism, Responsibility... Give us:    Governance not Politics... Give us:    'Collective Obligationalism'   __________________________________________________     #POTUS #Trump2020 #MitchMcConnell #LindseyGra

Perhaps The Millennials Can Do This For Us...

Through my reflections upon recent events preceding this 4th of July weekend, I humbly apologize for having not recognized the untapped potential Millennials possess and that when unleashed on the streets, in the city halls in the government squares, I truly believe that true change ‘at the top’ just might happen... You outlasted the vandals, anarchists antifa and far left and right militants... to show you were different from the same old dark and nefarious factions an d you kept marching, speaking, singing, chanting, dancing, loving, empathizing, demanding.  You picked up the flame of my counter culture 50 years ago and have ‘so-far’ proven my pessimism unfounded. I beg of you: Stay away from violent change, from seeing Socialism or Communism as the answer to change. Drugs, anarchism, free love, free living.... ...All the factors that delegitimized our movements ethos 50 years ago... stay aware and stay away from the fist and gun. Today, a simple choice of ‘Democrat

Two Trillion Dollar Defense Budget?

President Trumps speech at West Point highlighted a two (2) trillion dollar package for the Armed Forces over the next several years. Interesting investment in a military that has been unable to end two (2) major conflicts the U.S. initiated 20 years ago. The individuals who are controlling the fate of the current wars abroad continue to refuse the advise from military scholars who have suggested a new course of strategy towards modern conflict for decades.     Scholars from every Military Academy in the U.S., as well as foreign military advisors from the very regions we are at war with.  Instead the Washington political machine insists on running the same game plan that is failing today.  A plan created in the 1940's where the amount and size of infantry and weaponry won the day.   Unfortunately, this only worked 75 years ago.  Another age, a new (but old) reality of warfare, took hold in Indochina during the 1950's and the true complexity of warfare changed forever.     Of

...And Then There's the 'Boogaloo Boys'

Ahhhh yes.... and there's the good ol' Boogaloo boys..... We had the 'Hawks' and the 'Hard Hats' in the early '70s, only difference is, they weren't stupid enough to brandish firearms. If you don't think this isn't Violent Protest... Many courts across America have time and again ruled the very visual of this 'IS VIOLENCE'. Just as the Judicial institutions of America find the visual of the extreme such as: Rape Art, Violence and Horror Films, Rock & Roll and Hip Hop Songs that preach violence, death and darkness: has chosen to vote (majority of the cases) against the 1st Amendment right of the Defendant on the grounds for the collective obligation of THE LAW to protect the decency, ethics and morals of a society and in the choice that "the right to create such perception of violence does not exceed the 1st Amendment right of the peoples right to NOT be subjected to such vulgar and hateful expression. I as an artist, stand a

Lies of a Nations' Educational Institutions

The most notable factor to today's ever evolving cycle of prejudice, racism and xenophobia in the United States, is the total failure within the Department of Education and American Scholastic Societies' who improperly processed and altered unequivocal facts and truths...  ...facts and consequences of all revelations, conflicts and resolutions within or without the United States of America since it's inception.  Most notably the American Civil War. For those of you who wish to believe in your teachers, friends and family's misguided educations, who proclaim: "...that the Civil War was not about slavery? It was about states rights and had nothing to do with slavery.." you are being lead down a false & slippery slope.  Enclosed below is 'The Cornerstone Speech' which newly appointed: Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy States of America wrote and addressed his Confederate constituents on March 22nd, 1861__ ......."The

Where is our Martin ?

This country has been given a huge opportunity for an influential, charismatic and enlightened individual to step in and steer this explosion of civil disobedience. Where are my music colleagues? Where are the young Music Idols who bravely (through their lyrics) wade into the fray without understanding the responsibility of what they say to the young.     We make marters of HipHop Idols who embolden Violence and Drugs after they are shot by rival hoods, we are pulverized with headlines and news stories for days over Rock Idol Heroin Addicts who blow themselves away with shot guns, but no one steps up to the mic and make a desperate plea to the public for Peace, Compliance, Inspiration and to Organize and Rise Up and March in Peaceful Protest over the systematic prejudice and racial suppression in the U.S. Where are you?  It is very sad that ‘our society’  needs the leaders, such as sport idols, movie idols, music idols to awaken rudderless people! The complacency of a soci