I Will Never Forgive The American Political Machine....

And this is why I boycott the POLITICAL system of government... for I will never forgive what the elected individuals who inhabit the halls of Government have enabled which have lead us to the death of ethics and decorum within Washington D.C.  

Let us abolish:  Political Parties, Citizens United,  The Electoral College,  Multiple Terms In Office, Lobbyists, Political Pardons. 

Install Constitutional Amendments:  
a)  To install legal & academic requirements of all individuals who wish to run for public office.
b)  Mandatory congressional hearings/reviews of every presidential candidate.
c) All federal candidates must pass the same approval process (before being allowed to run for federal office. 
Give us:    Democracy, Meritocracy, Nobility, Courage, Humanism, Responsibility...

Give us:    Governance not Politics...

Give us:    'Collective Obligationalism'

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