Afghanistan Abandoned Afghanistan: The Cold, Painful Facts, The Naivety of Western Logic Refuses To Accept

•   The cold, painful facts: our media, politicians and diplomats naively refuse to accept

•   There can be no victory for an army who hasn't the will to fight_  

•   You cannot buy,  sell nor train the will of a soldier or its leaders

Afghanistan abandoned their women, their children and their obligations to the people around the world who gave their sweat, lives, blood and humanitarianism to Afghanistan for twenty years. 


Now... Human Rights agencies will witness countless cases of abuse, barbarism and death upon women and children for decades to come. 

Billions of U.S. tax payers dollars of food, medicine and military equipment that should be in the hands of civilians, are now in the hands of the Taliban.  


The facts disclosed within this blog are relayed from private conversations via close friendships of ex-service members:  Retired Marine Lt. Col of 3 wars, retired Staff Sergent Army Rangers (forward deployment) Afghanistan,  Staff Sergent E-6 Army Medic (forward deployment) Iraq and Afghanistan.  As well as from public record sources, re: Declassified CIA assessments via Wikipedia.   


The Will To Fight For Freedom And Autonomy

... Or the lack thereof.   Twenty years is a long time in war.  It is a very long time in the concept of civil revolution, regime change, fighting for independence or simply fighting for a better way of life.

Twenty years is more than enough time for a people to unite under a common objective and earn their freedom with independence.  

     The French Revolution 1789-1799 (10 years) 

     The Russian Revolution 1917-1923 (6 years) 

     The American Revolution 1765-1783 (8 years)

     The Cuban Revolution 1953-1959 (6 years)

     The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (3 Years)    

Afghanistan passed up their opportunities for 20 years.  Primarily because, the majority of the Chief/War Lords of Afghanistan's 34 provinces have no interest in being part of a nation, defined by world politics. 

No matter what the west wishes to fantasize, the UN's Afghanistan is a nation created for an urbanized population of only 26-30% of its population. 

No matter the legitimacy or end game of the aforementioned revolutions, victory came to those who rose up with the will to fight. 

Special note: None of the aforementioned revolutions received anywhere near the financial, logistic and military support the United States provided the Afghan people over the past 20 years. 


Facts that lead to the Inevitable U.S. /Allied Defeat of 2021

•  We fight for :  God & Country

•  Afghans fight for (in this order):  God, Cleric, War-Lord/Province, Family, then maybe_ maybe, Country, (if the leader of that is endoresed by the provincial leaders).  

•  Unending regime changes over 50 years, created the systematic corruption within Kabul's infrastructure, which defused all efforts in helping create a new Afghanistan.

• Continuous back to back wars over the past 75 years, created the hopeless if not apathetic psyche of Afghanistan's people, which in turn rendered most citizens unwilling to die for yet another war. 

• Droughts and endless poverty, left unaddressed for decades by Kabul's corrupt leaders, reduced the country's economy to one of the worst in the world.  It's GDP: 113th.  

• 65% of Afghans live under the poverty line. 

• At least 50% of male Afghans under the poverty line, fight for militant Muslim factions.  

• 44% illiteracy rate: presented constant hurdles to any domestic or foreign entity who attempted to impose new concepts of life, work, social structure and economic security. 

Only a 26% of the population is urbanized:  Afghans who have chosen a life that would be considered comparable to any western country.  

• 70% of the 32 million Afghans live in 34 provinces outside the country's urbanized areas.

• All provinces function for and by their own laws and customs, enforced and protected by their respective War Lords and Clerics.

4 different ethnic groups, Pashtun, Tajik,  Hazara, Uzbeks, with 8 different dialects scattered across a country the size of Texas...

...which only added to our dysfunctional system of nation building, which created the foreseeable failure United States politicians and diplomats refused to admit to the American people

• Afghanistan's capital city, Kabul, was created by the British in 1878.

...Yet for more than150 years, most Afghans view Kabul as a farcical western-puppet, that has little to do with the governance of the provincial centers that truly control each of the 32 provinces.

•  Special Note:  Most War Lords and Clerics of these provinces refuse to recognize Kabul as the central government of Afghanistan__ 

*** These are the one most crucial facts that have stared western politicians in the face for two decades, yet they have been unable to grasp how to secure Kabul as a central power for all Afghanistan: 

Creating a government center, that could have stood forthright and defiant during the transition of power while the United States and it's allies made their final withdrawal.

Note: Troops killed are KIA, not suicides caused by PTSD in result of service in Afghanistan, 

Suicide total per day for both Iraq and Afghanistan: 18-20  

4 times the amount KIA in both wars.  

More Information:


Cultural Deficiencies

Individual freedom, peace and autonomy are tinker-bell-dust words in the minds of the majority of rural Afghans.  

No matter who rules their country, there will always be the extremist Cleric, War Lord or Taliban official who will control their every day thoughts, marriages, faith and livelihoods, till the day they die.  

We think of the women and children of a country with western minds. We pine for their safety, freedom, good health and education, with western minds.  This is a fruitless avenue of empathy.

To empathize for a people who's value system is first shaped by fundamentalist doctrine__ is a useless chore, when the mathematics of democratic thought and equal rights between men and women hasn't even a spec of life in this part of the world.  

The very concept of democracy within the minds of the majority of Afghans is a fairy tale. 

As for what has been perpetrated upon these people by foreign adversaries... 

One can only say:  When the culture and psyche of a people has been humiliated, diminished and literally exterminated over so many generations__ a void, perhaps a malignant value system emerges which forms something so profound and complex, that no military or political figure has the education nor qualifications to accurately assess and apply within their efforts, which subsequently leads to the most disastrous decision as to invade and impose our alien methods and principles upon a people, that live (by the majority) in a previous century.  

Military Deficiencies 

Over the past ten years, the worlds finest military instructors from all branches worked at a feverish pace in training and educating Afghan military recruits: 

1 of every 3 are illiterate and by the majority show reduced levels of cognitive skills which impairs ones access to 'critical thinking:' (paramount for a soldiers' survival as well as the survival of his comrades on the battle field).

When U.S. soldiers were asked to insert Afghan recruits within their ranks in the field, they protested vehemently against orders that came down from superiors who have little concept of what Afghan recruits are capable of, or not capable of.

Not only because they feared Afghans would turn-coat, but they were simply too dangerous to fight along side.  

"A soldier is only as good as the soldier next to you." 

Since the withdrawal, Billions of U.S. Tax dollars in armaments, military vehicles, mortars, cannons, planes, ammunition, etc., that were donated to the Afghan security forces, is now within the possession of the Taliban, making it a more superior fighting force than ever before. 


Military Responsibility ?

The responsibility lies primarily upon the commander and chief of the invading force that ultimately caused thousands of American and Allied lives as well as countless civilian deaths in collateral damage upon Afghanistan's population.   95% of which had nothing to do with any terrorist groups.

Rushing carelessly into military deployments seems to be an American badge of courage our country has pinned itself since the end of World War 2. 

We have repeatedly engaged with cultures so foreign to our own ways of life, religion and values__   We have had little success in earning the respect and cooperation of the majority of the populations in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan: needed to find enduring success and security by the end of our deployments.

Every military leader and foot soldier will tell you:  

The military should never be engaged in rebuilding bombed out cities and villages, establishing schools, work-force training centers, or even shipping pallets of cold hard American cash and releasing these funds blindly into the pockets of corrupt government officials and War Lords alike, who in turn rarely insert these monies into their civilian economy.  

In the aftermath of World War 2, native businesses rebuilt Germany and Japan, not the U.S. military nor.  With the guidance of the U.S. Army administrators, the people of Germany and Japan rebuilt for their own futures and regained the much needed national identity and respect within themselves to ensure a new and peaceful road of existence.   

The military should be left to do what they do best.  Insert, clear, hold and protect.

Of the past 9 wars/military engagements we have fought since WWII, there has been but only one (1) that was a military, political and humanitarian success.  The Gulf War of 1991.  Conceived, lead and executed by George H. W. Bush.

All points I have disclosed within this report were avidly considered by the commander in chief in 1991 and the military was allowed to execute the objectives set forth within the time frame and set goals from the outset without alteration or waver. Hence the success of 'Desert Storm'

Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower would be rolling over in their graves this week. 

They who have served in forward deployment within the military (who's worth his salt) will confirm what I have disclosed within this blog.  

For one of the first things a soldier or marine is taught:  

'One must have the will to fight and a good soldier leaves no one behind.'


 It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas























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