We Shall Overcome_ When Peace Is Found In Demonstrations

If you cannot respect the Civil Rights of others while protesting for Civil Rights__  your dreams will never be realized.  

Not since the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., has their been one significant political, judicial, socioeconomic amendment or mandate passed in Washington D.C. that has advanced the Civil Rights movement more than Mr. King did in his day.  

So why did we abandon his methods over the last fifty years?  

Since his death, the scarcity of peaceful civil disobedience in protests and marches has much to do with this sad state of affairs___  perhaps it is time to turn back the clock and reeducate ourselves.    

Martin Luther King Jr., taught America the art of Peaceful Civil Disobedience and implored us to stay with this method, for it would help us achieve our dreams.  

Yet, the brilliance of his guidance slipped from our fingers 50 years ago and has left us broken and divided into various factions, with a multitude of opposing agendas achieving no one clear singular message that represents 'all the people.'

A message that must display consistent, virtuous, non-violent actions by a population in mass, while it cries out for justice and a voice.

Overwhelming statistics tell us :  Just as the anti-war counter culture movement lost its legitimacy 50 years ago, to pro-revolution, pro-violence, pro-anarchy factions such as the SLA, BLA, The Underground Weathermen the Revolutionary Youth Movement and countless Anarchists, the abandonment of peaceful-civil-disobedience has rendered the advancement of the Civil Rights movement, to a slow and arduous road to success. 

The naivete' of leaders within progressive movements for Civil Rights, Anti-War, BLM, police accountability, etc.,  have time and again allowed their platforms be stolen from them by amoral radical factions who stand in the shadows in wait to unleash their chaos in riots to achieve their own nefarious goals.    

These modern day movements lack the inside intelligence and savvy Martin Luther King Jr. and his organizers possessed, which helped them quell the descent of pro-violent factors within its ranks. 

Mr. King, acted accordingly, organizing many meetings with ring-leaders of these pro violence back street elements and were able to quell (by the most part) the violence prior to his marches, sit-ins and rallies.  

Public perception, means everything.  Mr. King was all too familiar with this fact.    

Today's leaders of civil protest organizations proudly announce "everyone has the right to march and protest..."  but deflect their responsibilities for what violence takes place during the marches they organize. 

Blindly, these brave yet naive' and unwitting leaders of these progressive groups have given oxygen to a more aggressive pro-violent element, which they refuse to take ownership of for the violence their event creates on their watch. 

By organizing your event, it therefore becomes your responsibility to weed out and prevent nefarious factions from infiltrating their ranks which destroys your message.  

Tragically, in conservative opinions eyes, this leaves the blame of plundered and burned out neighborhoods square upon the shoulders of the peaceful protesters as a whole, after the criminals crawl back into the shadows.

Just at the Counter-Culture movement lost the support from the press and television networks who's coverage would have assisted in their cause, yet instead, press and airtime shifted to the criminality of vandals, arsonists and assailants, further feeding the rage of right wing conservatives, who watched their country burning from their living rooms. 

The right wing does not see a peaceful legitimate element making a statement.  They see unlawful and ungrateful citizens.   

We must once again, make disgusting and distasteful alliances with criminal gang leaders and request their assistance in preventing, burning, looting and assaulting people was a tactic used by Mr. King in the 60's.  This must be revisited once more.  There is no other way.  

For those who say, "we organize these rallies but we are not responsible for a few bad apples,"  it is 'YOU' who is failing the entire cause Martin Luther left for you.  This is a right wing phrase progressives should never utter. 

     Martin Luther King Jr.'s mentor once said___ 


Martin Luther King Jr., organized, sponsored and sanctioned, only non-violence.  You must return to only this.  

This writer, wishes to remind all of you that__  

If your adversary sees only hatred, fear and violence in you, they will never allow themselves to surrender to your way of life and accept that your justice is better than theirs.  Your victory will never come.  

We must be there to repel and expel violent elements who wish to infiltrate our peaceful protests, marches and rallies!  

Not until then will we earn the day, earn their respect, earn their ears, their hearts their minds.

It will be impossible to win our opponents respect, trust and compliance, if we allow a small few to use our platform for their nefarious ways.  

Weed them out, disallow their presence, shame them for their violent ways, disallow their voice, disallow their rights to protest within their criminal ethos.  

For it will soon destroy all other peoples rights and opportunity, to find their peace and their justice.

___Far Left violence, Anarchists and simple criminals of indifference, can and will taint our just and righteous revolution for 'the light, for our civil rights and for our freedoms' and drive it into darkness and despair     



I am very happy to see  The King Center  sanction this event on Non-Violence____

Study #nonviolence with The King Center. It works. It matters. It acts. #Virtual series next week. SCHOLARSHIPS available. Register: thekingcenter.org/belove #training #education #strategy #mlk





It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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