They Come, Because We Hire Them

We hire them!  This is why they come...  

A considerable number of American business owners operate their companies while paying wages set 40 years ago, maintaining archaic working conditions and illegal hiring practices under the noses of State and Federal watch-dogs who are paid to look the other way.  

In result, the American population has learned full well_  that the American dream will not be obtained by working for these rogue American businesses.      

In result, these businesses must pursue foreign born employees from hungry, persecuted and embattled countries.   

For they are the only people willing to work under such demeaning circumstances.  


We are the United States.  The greatest nation on earth, the wealthiest most secure most advanced and most charitable country the world has ever known. 

Therefore, we have been labeled the most compassionate most caring nation on earth.  But are we really?

There is no one else to blame for the U.S.-Mexico border crisis, than a select group of American business owners and their local and federal politicians and law enforcement agencies who turn a blind eye and allow the hiring of illegal foreign workers for their financial benefit.

Within the U.S., a game of sorts exists, played by select business owners who need migrant workers, cheap workers, willing workers that are simply not available within the American population.  

Large amounts of political campaign contributions and strategic favors help these business owners lobby and adjust political policies to keep the illegal immigrant flow coming under the radar, while creating a deflecting dialogue to redirect American opinion towards the fault of the migrants.

If you refuse to pay wages in proportion to the cost of living within the United Sates,  you will not attract American citizens to work for your company and in result you will lose your business and your American dream.

Politicians who allow flagrant loopholes within the system continue to enable the employment of illegal aliens within the U.S., which has grown at an alarming rate over the last 50 years.    

Local business owners wish to continue paying wages set in the 1960's & 70's, and instead contribute excessive campaign donations, finagle law enforcement and shade the eyes of their community leaders to 'hear no evil and see no evil.'  Making it extremely easy for the ugly cycle of exploiting these hungry desperate aliens to work under the radar on American soil. 

In turn, these American businesses gain a greater piece of the pie over their competitors, all the while never exposing the truth of their practices to the American people.  

Garment industries, meat packing plants, industrial warehouses. hotels, restaurants, home builders, retirement homes, farms, ranches, assembly line workers etc...

Tens of thousands of illegal migrants are earning American dollars in America at this very moment.  Because they were employed by predominantly white-upper-class business owners across the United States, while shouting out the other sides of their mouths... 'Don't let these illegals invade our country!'   



...Therefore, they come.

'Non-Immigrant Worker - Temporary Work Visas' are a fruitless attempt to regulate the migration of humans into this country, but it seems to be the only mechanism the Government wishes to set in place. 

Due to the governments suspect approach in repelling greater numbers at the southern border (over the last 50 years), we have now come to the realization, that there are several million immigrants of Latin origin who have legal residency and permanent work visa status, giving them the legal powers to assist and sponsor in the naturalization of migrating relatives, making the governments attempt in stemming the tide of foreign Latin migrants, fruitless.  


There is no argument, the greatest flow of immigrants into the United States took place from:  1850 to 1930.   With this migration, came the most productive and most innovative period in world history: 'The Industrial Revolution.' 

With this great surge of hard working, low pay labor, came the greatest growth of wealth, industry and innovation, the world had ever seen before, catapulting the United States from a sleepy struggling post Civil War nation, far ahead of their cynical and ambivalent rivals in Europe.    

A massive immigration force: of foreign entrepreneurs, inventors, educators, farmers and industrialists help drive America into it's glory days.  By the end of World War I the U.S. took its rightful spot as the new world leader midst the smoldering remnants of Europe's previous elite (England, France, Germany, Russia and Italy).  

Enabled by the spoils of the war to end all wars: President Wilson and his allies: Britain and France, were free to set new precedents to create new nations while establishing mechanisms to administrate the subsequent migrant flow across the globe.  All under the authority of the newly formed 'League of Nations,' (1920).

The aforementioned events laid the template for today's 'Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.'  Before then, we were following what was previously set forth within Governmental Control and Regulations in 1952, previously in 1940 and was initially set in 1875. 

As the world grew through its wars, famines, depressions and prejudices, America opened it's arms to the victims of these foreign crisis and have taken in millions of refugees, migrant workers and asylum seekers out of a  humane empathy, embedded within us from our first migration as settlers to this land to where our oppressed and persecuted comrades could follow. 

But the post Industrial Revolution America soon experience a decline of a labor force that was no longer in need of the millions in once invited. In result, it's ports of entry were reduced it's flow of immigrants and began to concentrate filing the needs of specific American businesses on a much smaller scale.  

These businesses of course are the ones who drive the economy of this country and set forth policies in Washington D.C. often contrary to what the general voting public would wish for.    Today:  If an immigrant seeks asylum in this country the odds that they will be granted entry is...


If you do not hire people, they will not come...     

These businesses grow their fortunes by avoiding unions, the minimum wage and state and local fees for basic health and workman's comp benefits, as they hide behind the deflecting rhetoric they feed to the media via their political marionettes, clouding the cause and affect of the issues in the press, social media and on your televisions sets across the country.


The archaic wages and working conditions these foreign workers are willing to accept are the very testament to the amoral mindset of these select American business owners who are living the dream by enjoying the "Owner to Employee Wage-Flip" which has swept the United States (note graphs), which has been dismantling the middle class of America ever since the end of the Vietnam War. 

But still, American business owners shout: "This is not something we have created!" "They are out of control!"  

"The human traffickers, drug mules, the gangs are to blame."  

"The blame rests upon the leaders of these migrant countries who are corrupt and allow lawless bands of criminals and para-military agencies to terrorize, exploit, extort, torture and kill their countrymen unimpeded."

While these horrible conditions do exist in: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador etc., there lies an obligation of the United States to intervene upon grounds of it being a humanitarian crisis and by all accounts should respond proportionately, with a presence of marginalized military force to observe and intervene, as well to facilitate medical, social and financial assistance directly to the populations while re-booting the government-infrastructures that have allowed such unspeakably-inhumane conditions to overrun their countries.

But this is another blog all together. 




This will not change, until we do...

Select American business owners wish to manage their companies while paying archaic wages, neglecting unsafe conditions while continuing to hire desperate human beings under illegal hiring practices. 

Enter, a "Neo-Peasantry within the United States."  

A new synthetic workforce die and cast within the only demographic that can sustain the greed of the select group of business owners who live within their oligarchical fraternities, that have commandeered the far-right-wing political machine within the U.S.   

According to the U.S. COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (2019) The immigrant population in the United States was_

By Dan Kosten 

 "Immigrants comprise almost 14 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 44 million people out of a total of about 327 million, according to the Census Bureau. Together, immigrants and their U.S.-born children make up about 28 percent of U.S. inhabitants. The figure represents a steady rise from 1970, when there were fewer than ten million immigrants in the United States. But there are proportionally fewer immigrants today than in 1890, when foreign-born residents comprised 15 percent of the population. Mexico is the most common country of origin for U.S. immigrants—constituting 25 percent of the immigrant population—but the proportion of immigrants from South and East Asia—who number about 27 percent—is on the rise.

** Hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals work legally in the United States under various types of nonimmigrant visas. In fiscal year 2019, the United States granted close to 190,000 visas [PDF] for high-skilled workers, known as H1B visas, and more than 300,000 visas for temporary workers in agriculture and other industries. H1B visas are capped at 85,000 per year, with exceptions made for certain fields.

Immigrants made up roughly 17 percent of the U.S. workforce in 2014.

Immigrants made up roughly 17 percent of the U.S. workforce in 2014, according to the Pew Research Center; of those, around two-thirds were in the country legally. Collectively, immigrants made up 45 percent of domestic employees; they also comprised large portions of the workforce in U.S. textile manufacturing (36 percent), agriculture (33 percent), and accommodation (32 percent). Another Pew study found that without immigrants, the U.S. workforce would decline from 173.2 million in 2015 to 165.6 million in 2035; the workforce is expected to grow to 183.2 million if immigration levels remain steady, according to the report.

(For More) ** 



As our modern day Capitalist Crusaders set new goals and parameters for the haves and have nots.'  A Neo-Feudalism is taking hold within the United States, enabled by an unapologetic sector of Oligarchs who have taken hold and control of the U.S. political system.  


The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine

...released it's landmark study results in 2016 which revealed just how many foreign workers American businesses rely on each year to fill these low paying, unregulated, high risk jobs.  The number reached, approximately:  800,000 - 1,000.000*

These businesses do not advertise their employment needs and practices, nor do they show you how they fill their numbers.  They stand in the background, behind politicians who spin the narrative: "that these migrants come uninvited, unemployable and undesirable." 

Creating a false narrative, a faint, a propaganda ploy, whilst thousands of American business owners actually DO hire these workers through the back door.  All the while continuing the deception to the American people,  that they are "enraged and besieged by a labor force that was never invited in the first place."  

No other country on earth allows so many illegal employees earn so much and live so long within their borders before they are apprehended and deported, if at all.  But year after year, decade after decade the fabricated lie is created about these highly productive individuals.  

A lie repeatedly used against persecuted immigrants by Politicians and law-enforcement agencies alike which serves as campaign fodder and camouflage, which creates hatred, hysteria and protests which in turn creates the hero image for every Political Pundit's narcissism,  as they promise over and over to rescue America from the disease of "foreign undesirables who steal jobs from decent hard working American citizens," which couldn't be further from the truth.     


Our work force crisis and our asylum seekers can be addressed as two different subjects all together.  But to pin point the inception our current crisis at our southern border, we would have to go back to the beginning of World War II.  Let us go back in time, shall we?    

The Bracero Program: 1942-1964

An estimated 5,000,000 migrant workers were brought into the U.S. during WWII to fill the labor gap created by the mass recruitment of soldiers for the armed forces. These migrants saved the American food industry and fed a hungry nation during a most troubled time.

A few years after WWII, the mass deportations came slowly but efficiently.  Dreams of these workers were dashed.  Dreams, fueled by the empty rhetoric of government agents who recruited these people.  As the offers of greater compensations would come in: vetting and naturalization of these individuals was all but erased from the lips of Washington D.C.

Law officials and politicians alike covered the mess they created by demonizing and criminalizing the very workers who came from primarily Mexico.  

Workers who saved America from hunger and the collapse of the booming U.S. food industry, which was also feeding Russia and Great Britain through the entirety of the war and for years after, throughout war-ravaged Europe, Japan and the Far East.   

These migrant imports helped feed a war torn globe while the recovering countries were piecing their depleted infrastructures back together.    

* Source:  News Release:  

New Report Assesses the Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration | September 21, 2016



In this fervently capitalist country: 

A considerable number of American business owners wish to run their companies while paying employee wages set 40 years ago, while maintaining archaic working conditions and illegal hiring practices.  

In result, the American population knows full well_  that the American dream will not be obtained by working for these rogue American businesses.  

In result, these businesses must pursue the foreign born employees from hungry, persecuted and embattled countries.   

For they are the only people willing to work under such demeaning circumstances.  







Excellent facts within:




It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas















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