The most notable factor to today's ever evolving cycle of prejudice, racism and xenophobia in the United States, is the total failure within the Department of Education and American Scholastic Societies' who improperly processed and altered unequivocal facts and truths... ...facts and consequences of all revelations, conflicts and resolutions within or without the United States of America since it's inception. Most notably the American Civil War. For those of you who wish to believe in your teachers, friends and family's misguided educations, who proclaim: "...that the Civil War was not about slavery? It was about states rights and had nothing to do with slavery.." you are being lead down a false & slippery slope. Enclosed below is 'The Cornerstone Speech' which newly appointed: Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy States of America wrote and addressed his Confederate constituents on March 22nd, 1861__ ......."The...