Do Democrats Fail To Condemn Violent Protests For The Votes?

_A virtuous, humane and ethical cause dies before it's first breath in the ether of violence. 

Democrats fail to adequately, unequivocally and continuously condemn the senseless violence in far-left protests. 
Are we hypocrites about violence in America?  Or, do we really need their votes? 


As disgusting as it may sound, there seems to be a correlation with Democratic political campaigns, elections and skirting issues while building voter bases and creating a false-complicitness (the far right loves to exploit) with violent mobs,  by not denouncing these militant and criminal factions in earnest while separating a virtuous Democratic party from them, all at the while risk of losing tens of thousands of votes from the rudderless far-left.       
This is what enrages the centrist-dems, not to mention the right wing conservative Tumpers.

Hundreds of thousands across the world share the pain of the Civil Rights struggle, Voter Rights, Anti-War, Anti-Gun,  but it is the Far-Left violent protestors that have done more damage to these causes then the far right ever has.  They have stolen and destroyed the legitimacy of the message.  
_A virtuous, humane and ethical cause dies before it's first breath in the ether of violence.  
As a lifelong, pacifist, counter-culture, peaceful-protest- civil-disobedience-activist:  I have to SCREAM and ask...   Is this 'Good Trouble,'  (the legendary civil rights leader),  John Lewis asked from us?

Far-left militant groups are destroying the cause and I don't hear one Democratic Leader condemn the senseless violence!

Good Trouble?   We forget,  that... "Democracy Dies in The Darkness "
In my day we had the Weather Underground, the SLA, The Black Liberation Army, The Red Brigade, Anarchists, and many others who soiled the righteousness of our cause with their choice of terrorizing America and it's government with violence, death and destruction to instill peace and harmony with all on earth.  Insane, isn't it?   

Today we see the same idiots, 50 years on,  just re-packaged and sold to individuals who have no intention of being part of a collective heartbeat for ethical and moral change in America. 
To change the 'Sociopolitical World' of corruption and prejudice, one must find the window within which a moral and ethical idealism may insert a healing breath of change in order to plant the seeds of a greater good which will always ride above the darkness of hatred, bigotry and violence.     
"Democracy Dies in The Darkness"

Yet these non-sanctioned violent/destructive/arson-filled/nights of vandalism,  are destroying the righteousness of a cause which Martin Luther, John Lewis and so many others dedicated their lives in the collective-obligation to bring change and since their passing, have handed down to the next generation of souls who must value morality and ethics in order to carry the cause.  
Which Democratic leader will stand up in this election year to condemn these riots?  Or will they stay silent in fear of loosing the 'Bernie' votes?         

Federal forces were sent in by the President, because the militant-far-left protesters were destroying buildings that belonged to them.  Buildings which, ironically are paid for by the very people who are torching them.  Such idiocy.  
I do not hear the Progressive Left Wing Organizers, condemn or disavow their movements' goals from the militant factions who are demonizing 'the cause.'  
_A virtuous, humane and ethical cause dies before it's first breath in the ether of violence.

With the lack of distancing, the conservative right will rally around their felonious President, no matter his shortcomings.  Simply because they are scared and they are looking for anyone who will protect them and their country "from falling into anarchy." 
This is exactly how Nixon was elected in '68 and how the Vietnam War continued for another 5 years, and how the Civil Rights and Anti-War Peace Movements never realized their dreams, once the movement chose violence and destruction to fight for their goals, instead of using peaceful civil disobedience created by Mahatma Gandhi and practiced by Martin Luther King. 

Mr. King's death was the death of any hope, this nation would unify to listen and pray together for a greater good for all.

"Democracy Dies in The Darkness"
Post Script___ 
I have it on good authority (from my Oregonian friends)... there are a huge amount of Anarchists and Antifa members driving this.... far outnumbering the far right activists. 
We must, condemn and disavow these radicals, for they are hurting 'THE CAUSE'   
Gandhi defeated the British Empire with peaceful-civil-disobedience, as did Martin move d Washington D.C. to sign a Civil Rights Bill half a century ago.... since then it's been nothing but radical-faction-rioting that has resulted in not one piece of legislation to advance the 'Black Cause' over the last 50 years....

'Good Trouble' moves hearts, bad trouble, is nothing but 'bad.'

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