Two Trillion Dollar Defense Budget?

President Trumps speech at West Point highlighted a two (2) trillion dollar package for the Armed Forces over the next several years. Interesting investment in a military that has been unable to end two (2) major conflicts the U.S. initiated 20 years ago. The individuals who are controlling the fate of the current wars abroad continue to refuse the advise from military scholars who have suggested a new course of strategy towards modern conflict for decades. Scholars from every Military Academy in the U.S., as well as foreign military advisors from the very regions we are at war with. Instead the Washington political machine insists on running the same game plan that is failing today. A plan created in the 1940's where the amount and size of infantry and weaponry won the day. Unfortunately, this only worked 75 years ago. Another age, a new (but old) reality of warfare, took hold in Indochina during the 1950's and the true complexity of w...