We Shall Overcome_ When Peace Is Found In Demonstrations

If you cannot respect the Civil Rights of others while protesting for Civil Rights__ your dreams will never be realized. Not since the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., has their been one significant political, judicial, socioeconomic amendment or mandate passed in Washington D.C. that has advanced the Civil Rights movement more than Mr. King did in his day. So why did we abandon his methods over the last fifty years? Since his death, the scarcity of peaceful civil disobedience in protests and marches has much to do with this sad state of affairs___ perhaps it is time to turn back the clock and reeducate ourselves. Martin Luther King Jr., taught America the art of Peaceful Civil Disobedience and implored us to stay with this method, for it would help us achieve our dreams. Yet, the brilliance of his guidance slipped from our fingers 50 years ago and has left us broken and divided into various factions, with a multitude of ...