Gross Moral Turpitude and the ones of Wealth and Power Who Play The Game

Subject:   Gross Moral Turpitude, the absence of 'Divine Positive Law' and the individuals of wealth and governance who play this dangerous game, every day.

There are collective obligations in our human existence which traverses, social, tribal or governmental law.  

Spiritual and or religious doctrine throughout the world best describes this obligation. 

Whether you choose to achieve this thru good Karma, or by the enlightenment of ones soul through religious faith, or by finding ones place within a social order, to help create empathy, charity and compassion to others.  Even for the agnostic, or the atheist...   

... To live ones life outside a moral or ethical framework, will inevitably entangle ones days within a malignant darkness...  

Therefore, those who claim there is no need to practice an obligation towards morals or ethics through spirituality, a oneness with God or the practice of 'Divine Positive Law...'  One cannot exist in exclusivity from human kinds collective formula that ensures peaceful coexistence upon this earth. 

As for life's avid nonparticipants of ethical thought, there lies a inevitability which they refuse to accept.  Sooner or later, their amoral world of which they created will eventually implode and collapse upon their own houses.  For there is no sustainability within their ethos of anarchy or amoral governance.  

Anthropologists and sociologists alike have proven time and again:  That civilizations who attempted to exclude 'Natural Law' and its surrogate practices of ethics and morals from it's process of law, governance and social order, were unable to maintain their existence for no more than a nano-second throughout the thousands of years of modern civilization. 

Each of us are bestowed a genetic blueprint from what has come before, deep within ones blood, ones DNA. This determines much of what a humans' actions will be, within ones own genetic script.   

Yet it has been the opinion of many Philosophers, Theologians and even some Scientists who have looked beyond the Neurological and Biological and have found an ‘element.’ 

An element beyond the modern ability to describe.  An element which in ancient times drove many to ponder its significance, as they attempted to describe and invoke the purpose or answer to this element: 'The Divine.'

The general consensus is that the ‘divine’ actually means 'to this world.'   In ancient times, spiritual leaders, philosophers and organized religions (who were unaware of each others existence) shared a remarkable and most profound common thread.  A mutual explanation to all.  A common: ‘divine.’

The intangible ‘element’ of the human existence in thought and in action is governed and propelled by ‘the divine’ (and or via the) ‘divine one.’

Therefore, what seems to fall beyond the involuntary neurological instincts of a humans behavior (toward the world around them) is a ‘divine’ conduit from which the eternal knowledge of the human existence in any civilization, flows the universal code of right and wrong (spiritual righteousness), Natural Law, Common Law, etc., 

In essence_   For those of faith, those of religion, or even those who refuse to accept a god or any form of spirituality or the existence of 'divine laws'...... there still lies a collective obligation within humankind, that must always endure, if our civilization is to endure the trials and tribulations of time___



It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas



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