'THE OTHER AMERICA' Conceived: April 2nd, 1866, Gestated: July 15th, 2016, Born: January 6th, 2021
7:49am EDT 'THE OTHER AMERICA' Conceived: April 2nd, 1866 Gestated: July 15th, 2016 Born: January 6th, 2021 If you wish to ignore yesterday's profound actions within Congress, then you are simply doomed to be part of a most predictable event. On this day of January 6th, 2021, you will experience a most aggressive and shocking moment in our nations history, never before experienced by anyone living on this earth at this moment. ______________________________ Welcome to___ 'THE OTHER AMERICA' When a nation comes to the brink of civil war, few individuals within the chaos stop to think: "what are my law of averages here?....based on historical facts, I mean?" They are blinded by what has been handed down to them by their grandparents, their local politicians, their religious leaders or from the community in which they reside. And who wants to be the one to tell their life-l...