Politics, Governance and Religion

Politics, Governance and Religion

Preceding each Congressional session, an ordained minister, reverend, rabbi or priest, leads elected officials in a universal prayer to the Lord. 


Following this moment of holy solitude, these very same individuals proceed to display practices so contrary to what they just swore to pursue in holy trust within their moral obligations before Gods' eyes, as they commit themselves to this prayer with a robust holy oath whispering 'amen.'  It makes you wonder...

...Perhaps prayers should be removed from the Senate and Congressional chambers.  

For it simply mocks the religious process our founding fathers obviously established within most of their procedures and processes, for more often than not, religion seems to have little to no bearing or influence within this practice of governance.    



The primary reason our founding fathers insisted on including prayer within the processes of government, was to set forth the undeniable and irrefutable fact that all laws for all individuals in this country were not only set within the bill of rights, constitutional amendments and federal statutes, but first and foremost were derived from the scriptural templates our religions have lent to us over thousands of years.   
__Maintaining, above all, we are to hold ourselves up to a higher spiritual power and be held accountable when we transgress.

If we fail to do so, let us not insult the most holy of processes and let us put an end to the charade of prayer within Government.

Question: What do you call a room full of Lawyers practicing, grift, graft and fraudulent legal theater on your tax-dollar ? 

Answer: The US Senate & Congress 

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas


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