Perhaps We Should Ask Ourselves: Why 74 Million Voted For Such A Vile Human Being?

Perhaps We Should Ask Ourselves:  Why 74 Million Voted For Such A Vile Human Being

Or...  let ss ask ourselves:   Why one half of the country felt it wiser to vote for a vile individual than allow a progressive ethos rise from the left_

Perception is everything!
         And both sides have failed miserably 
         While marketing and promoting their product
If Democrats do not understand why
          The votes were not overwhelmingly theirs
          Then they are fools__
If Republicans continue to allow 'Trumpers' or Militia Members'
          To do their speaking for them
          Then they are fools as well__
Perception is everything__
Your truth has no bearing if the visual
If the visual you are unable to control
Is contrary to your ethos
If you cannot curtail or denounce 
The factions who claim your allegiance 
On your television sets, social media, or the press  
Or shout:  "This is not who or what we are!"
You will then lose your right
To claim the moral high-ground
For there are no morals
That will legitimize
What your nations' cities streets portray
While violence, destruction and death occurs
Under the breaths 
Of both left and right extremists.    
Both the Far Left and Far Right have grown to be 
Pathetic embarrassments in the worlds eyes

I'm sorry_ 
But I am only an artist:
However small or insignificant I might be_
But an artist nevertheless 
Who has dedicated his life 
To entertain, soothe, enlighten, inspire-
Perhaps educate_ 
For what I have lived, might serve some purpose 
Some good_  some light,  to others
For I have grown so very tired
Of watching so many of you slide further and further 
From the practice of:  kindness, love and compassion
Posting rants of such ignorant baseless stories and memes.
Spewing dangerous negativity  
Unwittingly creating a most ominous sent _
Tragically familiar to the ones who know their history_ 
Conjuring images from the darkest days of America's failures   
When Art, Music, Literature, Religion, Spirituality no longer
Lifts ones society to a higher plain of peaceful social discourse
Moral obligation or Judicial balance to maintain a light in humanity
_When the 'Arts' rant of hatred and killing
Or when religion and it's spiritual leaders guide their flocks 
To the perils of autonomous individualism 
Opposing their own government_
The very government who bestowed their privileges 
Their very right to practice their faith without reprisal  
Our youth pursue failed philosophies   
Based upon sociopolitical theories so contrary
To what the 'the world's natural laws of civilizations' flourish within
Blindly following radicalized teachers, clergy, parents and false idols
Hoping that within their misguided cultural upheaval 
They will find the answers for their nations future

For when all fails 
Will this nation return to the same violence
That has plagued legendary civilizations 
Before their tragic demise?
If you cannot answer these questions_ 
Then_  you are nearing a very dark time....
This is not the America I once knew......

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within."
                                                                                                     Abraham Lincoln 


It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas



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