The birth of MAGA, The birth of the Nihilist and it's Despoilment of Freedom
Fifty abridged versions of the United States Constitution, has clouded America's ethics and rule of law.
It has annulled the one central truth from which the greatest nation on earth has existed upon for over 245 years.
Freedom, does not exempt one from denying a 'one central truth.'
To prevent total anarchy a 'central truth' in society is paramount to any civilization.
The mathematics within natural law upon which humanity functions, has proven this___
This has fractured our country into multiple truths, realities, laws and religious sects that has paved a road for a 'Nihilistic Element' to take hold throughout this country's population and even more so within the agendas' of our civil servants in government.Perhaps it was the naïveté' within our founding-fathers philosophical and psychological foresights, which allowed our once impenetrable Constitution, to be so terribly vulnerable and near it's collapse.
It seems that individuals who seek their own truths and follow their own dogma have learned how to despoil what was once our sacred 'law of the land.'
More than 11,000 amendments to the Constitution of the United States have been proposed, but only 27 have been ratified. The first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were ratified in 1791.
Do keep in mind___
It is not the politician who lives vacant of morals and ethics_
...It is the vacancy of morals and ethics within the people who
empower the politician with their vote
Tom MacLear
We can thank, the political party system, the electoral college, the 10th amendment and Citizens United, for grifting Americans while choosing a trustworthy, virtuous and intelligent individual amongst our 360 million civilians in hopes of finding one who might just work.
...Misconstrued adaptations of the Bill of Rights.
...Judicial wings of government tipping scales from the left to the right.
...Grifting the lesser educated, the ones who lack the critical thinking...
...Abridged religious fundamentalism...
...The decent from natural law and the embrace of anti-academics anti-law and bastardized religious doctrine...
Our founding fathers would be most angry with all of this.
What do you plan to do then?
is gifted to you by a nation
that has afforded you the privilege
to declare your gift
yours and yours alone_
This however,
will leave you absent of honor or virtue_
But, true Freedom_
will forgive you
by your repentance of your actions
as you rejoin
the collective obligation towards humanity
and to the nation
that has allowed you to exist with the others
who live within their obligation to Freedom__
Tom MacLear
More interesting thoughts from one who knows more than I...
It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas