Socialism, America's Failed Brand Name, Some Just Can't Let Go of_

Ask any marketing executive who sits atop a 40 story building in Manhattan, 

...'just how important is a 'Brand Name' and the public's perception to millions whom you wish to buy its service?'

They will tell you:  The Brand-Name, the word, it's history, its reputation, it's track record of how it best describes your product or idea everything!"

Today, we are talking about the word: Socialism. 

University professors, intellectuals, philosophers and progressive politicians love to talk Socialism__  

On surface, it is the wonderful empathetic provider for all, that has found only moderate to temporary success in History via nations who are not world leaders in industrial-development, finance, medicine or science. 

To create the great equality between all citizens within a Socialist country, previous regimes have discovered that one must create authoritative practices to subdue the elite, restrict the entrepreneur, eliminate the ones who inspire to achieve life-changing accomplishments and most tragically dilute religious and spiritual practices that inspire individuals to reach beyond the walls of their regime of stagnation, before the light inside their untapped hearts and minds is snuffed before they're adulthood.  

Of course, Democratic Socialism is not quite this extreme, but when one slippery slope appears, more follow, as history has shown us.  

The greater majority of America says the word 'Socialism' has more of a negative and nefarious reputation, than what the philosophical idealism proposes in Marxist doctrine.  

Simply said:  "A Bad Rep."  .... so why are we still talking about it?

No matter how idealistic-intellectuals wish to explain away it's advantages, you cannot convince the millions of citizens and their dependents who lived through the Cold War, that anything closely associated with Socialism means:  Soviet, Chinese, Cuban, North Korean, Venezuelan or Vietnamese Socialist-Communism.   

They say, "Socialism has nothing to do with Communism!" 

A ridiculous statement, due to the fact that the author of both practices is one in the same.   

Throughout his writings he insists, for one or the other to fully find it's maximum success, one must work through the other. 

'Socialism' is simply the philosophical abstract, the other, 'Communism',  is it's implementation through a central government upon a population via non-democratic means.  

I know:  Non-Authoritarian Communism is what our American progressives are talking about.  But read on, I'll explain...... 

"Bad Rep," is a non starter.  Dump it, trash it and find something the greater majority of the public can embrace.

Perhaps:  'Democratic Fundamentalism' 

'Fundamentalist' seems to be an n'vogue word this past 20 years.   

Marketing 101.  

So why are some of us still talking: 'Socialism?' 

The United States is at a breaking point.    

While Democratic-Socialists insist on raising their flags of progressive identity in political negotiations, we drive centrists and life long Democrats from their party in fear of further emboldening the far-right-fundamentalism that has once again reared its ugly head in America. 

Deja Vu of the Socialist Party-Politicians who drove masses from the progressive left to the far right in 1932 Germany, which empowered a certain Political Party of Brown-Shirts to win the national vote and proceeded to drive the country into hell.  

Progressive Democrat-Socialists of today are duplicating this very same scenario of 1932 Germany.  

Creating a greater separation, a gap, a chasm within this country which, if left unchecked. will eventually fall within itself.  

All the while, this misguided far-left philosophy appeals to the lesser educated youth of America, creating even a bigger problem. 

None of the above misguided youths are thinking about the millions of humans who were killed by Socialist Regimes of Russia, China and Vietnamese gulags, re-education camps or simply by firing squads.  But they try to make a point waiving a flag they are totally ignorant of.  


Let us ask the dozens of Politicians, College Professors and some 60,000 members of  

The Socialist Party of the United States... 



This picture below explains with great naivete' how the success of Socialism from one 'world economic class of GDP,' simply has no business comparing itself to the United States.     


Which nation in the top 9 slots lead the world in: 

• The Space Race  

• Automotive engineering and development  

• Global military assistance  

• Ship building and world trade  

• Financial aid to impovershed countries  

•  Medical research, development and global distribution of aid compared to the United States.   

The larger the GDP, the greater the expenditure on global influence, the less Socialism works.   

Smaller countries (populations, global involvement, etc.,) such as Belgium, Sweden or the Netherlands can afford to apply forms of Socialism within its government and have enjoyed favourable results.                     

So why does it linger in some American's thoughts.  

In it's philosophical form, Socialism is a beautiful thought.  

The empathetic base which it ascends from is quite virtuous.  The 'all for one, all for equality' and no one suffers from poverty or life's disadvantages... 

A beautiful, wholesome form of solidarity where a society can realize true harmony and elevate it's civilization to a utopian dream.  

But since it's inception and application on mass within a world of human-nature's complexities.  Sooner or later, all idealisms face the fist of reality propelled by the fallible human psyche: 

_No human is alike.  No heart nor soul is alike and one human's dream of utopia is another humans angle to exploit and rise above the rest. 

So to assume all humans' can live alike in worldly ways, is a naivete Socialism refuses to compute. 

Just as the first caveman strove to slay more animals than he could possible eat and hoard from others of lesser skills, this one hunter lives contrary to the tribes rules of communal solidarity for the existence of all.

A philosophers greatest chance of failure is the lack of understanding of the psychological complexities of the human mind.  His own naiveté of humanity.  

The human mind is the factor that defeats every hypothesis of every theorist who wishes to embrace the 'human race' in thought. 

I find that most of the blame falls on intellectuals who cannot move on in time and space and cling on to doctrines that have time and again proven not so effective, or even downright failures.

So ask yourselves why would an intelligent, rational University Professor, Politician or Philosopher use this certain 'word' that has such a tainted history attached to it?

Of course, any mention of a "Collective Obligation for all"  to an Oligarchal-Capitalist, prompts the response of the word: "Socialism"... 

Throughout its history: Marxist-Socialism in practice has proven, its mechanism, unwittingly suppressed the wonder and magic of an individuals soul, heart and mind of holistic inspiration and entrepreneurship. 

___Raising the lazy and criminal to the equal of the emboldened and hard working.  Creating a circle of dereliction and lethargy, that left it's society, far below it's potential within the worlds stage.      

Unfortunately, the far left refuses to admit this and the far-right uses this as a dirty word for the less-educated-far-right to hang on to.  

The mathematics of Marxist Socialism simply does not hold up for world powers such as China or Russia or for most intermediate powers such as Canada or France.  

The larger the GDP and the greater the expenditure for their global presence and influence, the less Socialism will work.  Hence the collapse of the Soviet Union and the conversion of China's Communist  regime into rampant Capitalism.   

Smaller countries, populations, global involvement, etc., such as Belgium, Sweden or the Netherlands can afford to apply forms of Socialism within its government and have had above average results.  

Dozens of United States progressive movements have preached for Socialistic (Democratic-Socialism) over 100 years, beginning with: Eugene V. Debs in 1912 and has suffered repeated defeats time and again.  

In reality, the implementation of an actual Socialistic agenda within the United States Government is a FAILED BRAND NAME, and should be abandoned. 

Due to it's tainted history from the cold war's bitter taste of communism, or the use of the word in radical platforms, in Socialist manifestos of one too many radical militants. 

The naivete of such politicians as Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cling to a philosophy, however idealistic and empathetic it may be,  yet so tainted, their dreams of spreading and convincing a greater audience to engage under the word 'Socialism' is quite senseless.

When all the while 'Democratic Fundimenalism' has worked beautifully since this country's birth, when unimpeded. 

Karl Marx thought he had an exclusive hold on how a government should share it's wealth with it's people.   

...As he jumped to conclusions within his manifesto,  he drew on his life experience in Europe during it's economic struggles of the1800's.

Unaware that the young United States was already on the path of public inclusion within it's economic structures.  

United States first public libraries in 1840's, public fire houses 1850's, public sanitation workers 1930, etc., all the way to the crowning achievement of Social Security in 1935.  

The mathematics of Marxist Socialism simply does not hold up for world powers such as China or Russia or for most intermediate     powers such as Canada or France.  

If the Collective Obligation is allowed to work unimpeded, there will come an opportunity for each individual to discover their plot in life.  

As their time in the sun to flower and become best of themselves is what Democracy was created for all.  

...based on primarily in religious doctrine of the world, which promote an individuals drive towards the realization of god's gifts within each and every one of us, which in turn  emboldens each and every congregant to hold a higher standard and awareness for others__ 

__The circle of individualism and collectivism can achieve a perfect commonality within a society.  

Hence the first glimpse of a utopian existence. 

Have we not learned from history?  

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"        JFK



Wonderful information about this subject:

The Rise and Fall of Socialism:   

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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