Calling A War Criminal A Genius In His Methods, Is a Willful Endorsement That Cannot Be Retracted nor Explained Away____
A vulgar irony exists within MAGA-World, as it's primary campaign- slogan cries out for the elimination of the 'Marxist-Socialist-Communist' element in the Far-Left of America__ __While our 45th POTUS proclaims the #1 Poster-Boy for Soviet-Communism is a Genius__ __ and thinks the idea of invading a neighboring country to control his own border while he destroys the lives of a people of an interntionaly recognized sovereign nation, is 'smart.' If this does not convince the illformed, misguided, willfully ignorant followers of our previous president, that POTUS-45 is one of the most maniacal, evil and narcissistic individuals to come upon the world stage____ I can no longer be a friend to you__ The blatant willful ignorance of the Far Right American Nationalists and their fundamentalist Christian Right Church PACS' has become hypocritically nauseating.... if not downright insane. Calling A War Criminal A Genius In His Methods, Is a Willfu...