We Sound The Alarm of Civil War, Yet Ours Never Ended

First and foremost I would like to congratulate Professor Barbara F. Walter (author), whose book is now on the New York Times Best Seller list: 

...A must-read. 

I however must interject to further the conversation about the struggle we have lived through in hopes to 'prevent America sliding into another Civil War.'

This writer urges those who read this blog, to avoid the same complacent naiveté which existed within all of us in America before January 6th, 2021...  Take heed to these current affairs more seriously. 


If you refuse to call this 160 year_ 

Domestic-Insurgent-Conflict of America 'A WAR'

You will find no end to the far right Christian Nationalist Movement who has emboldened a new and dangerous Political Culture who have infiltrated School Boards, City, State and Federal government positions to continue their proxy Civil War 2.0 without engaging in belligerent engagements via the military.  

This is no time for apathy. 

For they are at war with you_ 

And it matters not to them what you think this is__ 

160 years of an undefeated ethos has allowed them 

to thrive within our national complacent naiveté of Freedom


Having personally experienced the 'Troubles' in Northern Ireland and been raised by Czech refugees who lived under Nazi and Soviet occupation and having listened to countless conversations of our Polish, Yugoslavian and Russian friends, I hope you will allow me to bring you an educated perspective from another angle.  

I regret to say, this writer believes that your Civil War of 1860 never truly ended. 

Although the last military engagement of the American Civil War was fought at Palmito Ranch, Texas, on May 13, 1865, it has been my belief:  

In absence of a repentance and or the denouncement of ones idealisms for a nefarious Confederacy to enslave humans or facate the principles of a Federal Democracy, comes a continuance of Civil conflict, militarily or not.

The Civil War has continued within a covert effort, engineered by a select representation of: 

a) defeated confederate state lawmakers, 

b) dethroned land owners and business tycoons, 

continued in a most public platform:  

(c) the infamous 'Daughters of the Confederacy.' 

...to name a few.  

We owe a great deal to Robert E. Lee for making his plea to his humiliated soldiers in defeat:  

"Please do not pursue a guerilla-war"...  

So many of his combatants were ripe for payback and revenge,  to see their cause succeed...    

There was a considerable force of confederate solders who were fervently convinced that a guerrilla insurgence would have eventually forced the North to capitulate to their demands, no matter how long or how lethal their struggle would be. 

However, a much less deadlier method had already been hatched by the aforementioned confederate patriots.  Which began with the tragic assassination of President Lincoln. 

By 1870, the reinstatements of southern lawmakers to the U.S. government created an opportunity to submerge their Ideological warfare of succession into a Proxy-War via the mechanics of Political and Judicial-Jenga deep beyond the halls and offices of the U.S. Senate.

The Confederate effort was now armed with the greatest gift of anti-democratic-political-grift ever devised: '

The Electoral College:  1787, fully implemented- 1824 

This weaponized this small collective of 13 states and territories 

With this most effective tool in hand, these political combatants have held this entire nation hostage to this very day.  


When the most advanced, most profitable nation of the world retards its own progressive abilities by allowing the minority of voters to steer an entire population into anti-democratic, anti-federal-government standards, the nation as a whole is doomed.   

The very purpose of the electoral college was to equalize the playing field between the original states of the land and the newly formed states and territories who had just formed and needed an equal say and assistance from Washington D.C. 

The Electoral College of the 2020's:  Antiquated, archaic anachronistic, clearly anti-democratic. In fact, by theory, quite socialistic. 


The second most destructive weapon these Confederate representatives utilized was the Filibuster (1837). 


The 1957 filibuster Strom Thurmond performed which this nation is still paying for to this day.


The aforementioned political loop holes have enabled the once defeated Confederacy to remove most every penalty imposed upon them via their defeat of their Civil War they created in 1865. 

For 160 years, they have used the Electoral College and the Filibuster as their go-to-weapons for every judicial-political-proxy-war-sorte' launched against the Constitution and the nations' mandates from which our government functions.

Not until the Electoral College and Filibuster are eliminated from the process of governance, there will be nothing the majority of this nation can do to counter it.


The 'Confederate States' of today, collectively, represent: 

• The lowest in the Nation's:  Population, 

• The lowest in GDP 

• The lowest in standards of Education 

• And today per capita cost the nation more in welfare and federal assistance compared to all of the Blue-Federal states today combined.   

Facts and numbers found here: 



Within a decade of the last shot fired in 1865, this Proxy-War had 'Jim Crow' in full stride, which advanced their efforts in curtailing Civil Rights for freed Slaves and help stagnate if not eliminate their right to vote.  

Of course their coup d'etat: was the subsequent adulteration and incapacitation of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in every former Confederate State throughout the land.   

By the turn of the century, this select group of southern representatives began to show their overt support for the Ku Klux Klan (citing just one of many examples): 

Hollywood's infamous film: 'The Birth Of A Nation' in 1915.  

The film was viewed by President Wilson in the White House on the evening of March 21, 1915,  further culminating in the shocking march of some 30,000 members of the KKK down Pennsylvania Avenue in 1925, under the watchful eye of Calvin Coolidge.  

This confederate-culture gave platform to many supporters of their cause in the 1930's most notably Fr. Caughlin. The most public megaphone for the Confederate Cause since Jefferson Davis. 

Best described as the golden template to Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Father Caugli, in theory, was a template for the 45th President of the United States. 

Millions of Americans anxiously listened to the sermons and lectures Father Cauglin shouted. 

Cauglin cultivated a culture of contempt, willfull ignorance and willful malice hidden deep within the color of the law, which seeped deep into the lesser education masses of America, furthering the divide between the confederate effort and the nation of which the constitution holds in the moral base. 

By the '40's, racial segregation could be found in every corner of the south, with similar elements creeping into northern cities following the great black migration between of some 6 million blacks from the south (1910-1970).  

Subtle and without headlines, every light of progress was countered by the same darkness of resistance and defiance implemented from what their ethos of 'States Rights' means. 

These were the goings on behind closed doors in Washington D.C,.  always steered away from the nations major newspaper headlines.  

Leaving the general public oblivious to the realities of the continued covert Civil War within.  

Additional proxy-war sorties were carried out by the 'Daughters of the Confederacy', who were hard at work injecting their false truths of the Civil War within the contents of school books published within their respective states.  

These books eventually found distribution throughout a good portion of the country's educational system.    


Over 160 years, bombings, lynchings. fires and murder of thousands of human beings, for all intense purposes, defines a continued Civil War within a country, no matter how we choose to dilute reality.  

Far less casualties have occurred in conflicts throughout history which have been deemed death by Civil War.


Fast forward to 2016. The year the 45th President of the United States personally invited this nefarious quasi confederate faction of America to enter public view. 

For they have found their Shaman, their symbol of revolution and now feel safe under the comfort of the current Presidency, to come out from the shadows of the Nation's capital where they've been hiding all along.   

When one drains a swamp, all of the unknown dangers of one's journey across great divides become exposed to one's eyes.  We just didn't understand what this meant at the time.  

There is no need to fight in the darkness anymore. For they truly believe this is their time. For they have been emboldened to take this into the public eye, without shame or reservation.  


Other blogs related to this subject: 

'The Birth of The Other America'     Posted in the early hours of the morning of the 1/6 insurrection

'The fatal divide?' 

'28 States hold the nation hostage'

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