The Neo-Confederacy? Do We Allow The Final Fatal Divide?

Do we allow the final fatal divide? 

Do we allow subversion by the hands of a modern day Confederacy of lawmakers?  

If so, we will apply another deep and ominous crack upon the wall of our embattled Democratic Republic.     

Therefore 'United' is not exactly an accurate term to apply to the 'United States' at this time, is it? 

We all share the right to honor the expansive diversity of this nation.

Defined in practice of an exclusive freedom found only in this country's democracy set forth within the Constitution of the United States.  

But there have been a select group of citizens who wish to descend and engage within an anti-democratic ethos throughout their respective states.  

We all know the names of these regions.  This is nothing new.  

As they have rendered the Bill Of Rights a secondary priority or ineffectual through their own States' Constitutions: 

They have grown contrary to our civilizations accepted gold standard of 'Natural Law' and for 'The Rule of Law,' which are the corner-stone-principles our founding fathers set their moral compasses to, as they composed the documents upon which this Republic stands.  

Since the day the ink dried upon the parchments of these hallowed documents, numerous congressmen and senators have ventured to challenge, abridge, deny or disallow 'these truths to be self-evident.'   

Over the last century, their quality of life has grown, their property values ascended and in turn brought great bounty, wealth and expansion to their constituents, all the while enjoying these privileges and protection this Nation and Constitution affords them.  

Yet, what is asked from them in return, is another story. 

Their obligation to live within the confines of a National commitment of Laws, Morals and Ethics, seems to falter within their interpretations.

It has always been to everyone's advantage to live part of this collective of states.  

Unfortunately this collective has been marred by those who wish to continuously distance themselves from the mathematics of their moral and legal obligations they swore to uphold upon the day Washington D.C. awarded them statehood.  

Tragically, this has continued to grow, even more so after the Civil War.  

A war that should have put an end to the contrary exclusiveness a select group of states, which their societies and religious sects were determined to practice without Federal interference.  

After some 700,000 human beings lay dead, the defeat of the Confederate armies seem to remain a side note to a principle that these individuals will still not capitulate to.  

They will never give up, for they see this justified in their own religious teachings. 

You may never have been taught this in school, but this is why there has always been an existence of select states and their elected representatives who still carry a blatant disenfranchisement, denial and political obstinance towards the 'Constitutional United States of America.'

As they live on the shirt tails of this nations world prowess, wealth and federal assistance,  they still have the audacity to pursue a disenfranchisement from the nations common ethics and morality and basic standards of law and governance this nation had set forth upon all its citizens regardless of geography, economic station, race, or religion.   

They continuously provoke and promote their states rights (however contrary to the federally established guidelines within the constitution) as they have appointed themselves a the greater authority to what the nation has afforded them.  

Let us clarify a few things.  

One hundred and sixty years since the end of the first Civil War:  

The 9th and 10th Amendments of the Constitution have been weaponized to carry out a proxy-war of 'Political-And-Judicial-Jenga' by some 20 states within the hallowed halls of the capital of the U.S. 


Representatives of the defeated Confederacy submerged it's proxy-war-sorties via political and judicial-jenga-like tactics.   

These southern lawmakers from 12 exclusive states and territories, have continued this proxy war to present day and are passionately convinced they will eventually succeed.    

In essence: The Federal government of the United States has allowed the Civil War of 1860-65 to truly cease.     

What were the very first of innumerable mistakes? 

All Confederate officers and their soldiers were paroled and granted leniency on all counts of subversion and taking up arms against their own country...  

“During his presidency, Lincoln issued 64 pardons for war-related offences: 22 for conspiracy, 17 for treason, 12 for rebellion, nine for holding an office under the Confederacy, and four for serving with the rebels.”

One of the most controversial uses of the presidential pardon occurred when President Andrew Johnson issued sweeping pardons to thousands of former Confederate officials and soldiers after the American Civil War 

...which buried the ever so crucial term of 'Unconditional Surrender' ever more so.  

Without the evidence of 'consciousness of guilt' for a soldiers sins of decent, destruction, sedition and killing,  absolution must never be granted, for the tragedy of belligerence becomes void and eventually forgotten and therefore bound to repeat itself.   

Where is the reparation of the moral compass within a defeated foe, if a mandate to extricate an evil ethos is never pursued by the victor? 

Symbols of the Confederate cause, the platform and ethos were allowed to placate a people of decent and treason, into symbols for sympathy and empathy. 

The amalgamation of their Confederate flags into their respective state flags. 

Their mass publishing and distribution of falsehoods of the Confederacy in everything from newspapers to nationally distributed school books.   

The prolific efforts of the 'Daughters of the Confederacy' further fed the fires of empathy for the proud yet ravaged Confederacy. 

Instead of rendering attention to the rage-filled-angered minority of Confederate brothers and sisters who rose up to dissolve a country and strip the majority from it's Constitution.  

The majority who so loved and cherished their country.   

All of this assisted the Confederacy's platform to go covert within the halls of the political machine within Washington D.C. before the end of the 1880's. 

I firmly believe the Civil War did not cease when Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865 or even after the last battle at Palmito Ranch Texas, one month after.  

The signing of the papers to end 'Offensive Military Engagements' between the Army of the Federal Union and the Confederate States of America, was just theater.  This proxy-war had already begun. 

Beginning with the assassination of President Lincoln, one month later.  The wheels of this covert war were turning at quite a good pace. 

Shortly after this-covert-war, gave birth to Jim Crowe, (the on-going battles of Civil Rights, Voters Rights), the incapacitation of the 13th amendment.   

The turning of a blind eye to the fervent support for the Ku Klux Klan down Pennsylvania Avenue in 1925, under the watchful eye of President Wilson and eventually the massive American Nazi Party rallies (throughout the '30's culminating in their convention in Madison Square Garden in 1939. 

'The modern display of Confederate flags primarily started during the 1948 presidential election when the battle flag was used by the Dixiecrats in opposition to the Civil Rights Movement and segregationists continue the practice as a rallying flag for demonstrations.'

Since 2016, millions of decedents of this world, have once again found their symbol of revolution and now have been emboldened to take this into the public eye once more, without shame or reservation. 

Some states believe they have the right to abridge or deny what they believe is unconstitutional.  In reality, they are merely attempting to re-write it.  

Therefore casting them within the same mold of religious zealots, totalitarians, authoritarians who ruled the nations within Europe which resulted in America's citizens mass exodus to this 'long-awaited' promised land.

Perhaps the 9th and 10 Amendments can be seen as failures in their draft as they award States an open playbook of power, affording them the right to pull a fog over the federal conditions they swore to uphold during their oaths when their states became part of the United States.   

Since their first years within the nations arms,  a select group of states have clouded the true essence of the ethics and moral terms set down by the founding fathers.  

Hence the eternal strife of Sates rights v.s. Federal Laws.  

This is why we must not waver in pursuing criminal actions upon the elected officials who enabled, promoted, supported, condoned and or incited the shameless insurrection of January 6th 2021.

"If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it!"   A very well known phrase from Winston Churchill.   

Why these words of wisdom are continuously ignored within the hallowed halls of Washington D.C. amazes this writer.   

The Jim Crow era playbook was pulled from it's shelf in 2016 and has since been perused by certain MAGA-Republican lawmakers and strategists, most notably Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon (the wizards behind the curtain, which you will learn much more about when all is said and done in the next few years. 

Having read and mobilized the Jim Crow play-book over the last four years, MAGA-Reps., have used many of it's principles and procedures to the tee.  Which further nurtured the Trumpists' administration and it's staff as they have carved a wedge between the nations people.  Achieving the most blatant of all strategies in creating a social and political divide.

First point of action:  Divide and Conquer.  Pit citizen against citizen.  Within this chaos, this fool proof form of civil unrest creates the easiest bridge to cross to victory for any clan who aspires to take down a united nation of states.   

James Madison made this recommendation in a letter to Thomas Jefferson of 24 October 1787,[5] which summarized the thesis of The Federalist#10:[6] "Divide et impera, the reprobated axiom of tyranny, the only policy, by which a republic can be administered on just principles." 

What the politicians nor the media will not talk about and what I did not want to talk about, is an undeniable factor that has etched itself within the conversation since January 6th, 2021. 

An opportunity that has been laying in wait for 160 years, has found it's Zenith. 

Those who wish to not read this article or other articles that are calling this spade and spade, will just have to catch up another time.   Perhaps when it is too late.  



Bottom Line: 

The MAGA-republican-phenomenon, it's soldiers and it's elected delegates (within the U.S. Congress and Senate) have set forth their descent within the walls of the capital four years ago.  

Along with their constituents: re: closet extreme christian right groups, anti-Semites, white supremacists, anti-government-constitutionalists and many more, have emboldened, empowered and dangerously justified the resurrection of a new Confederacy to rise up and wave their discontented lives before a complacent nations eyes, as Senators and Congressmen award these stains of society, a seat at the trough within their drained swamp.   

'...There are fine people on both sides..." 

"...There are some very fine people here, we love you..." 

"...You are very special....."

They have now pulled all of their resources together: wealth, governmental loop holes, conspiracy theorists and militias and have unleashed a non-combative 2nd American Civil War, which had already been raging in silent within the confines of the hallowed halls of Washington D.C., for decades now. 

But now this has gown, unapologetically, undeniably and irreversibly public.   

Sweeping changes in a chaotic situation lend opportunity for aspiring revolutionaries, to use the vacuum of power to embolden their cause, just as the vacuum in Iraq and Syria created ISIS.  

When political parties fight against each other, the democratic process fails to engage at its highest efficiency.  

To continue this revolution between political parties, has simply created a dysfunctionality throughout the government which the American public has been forced to tolerate over the past 30 years. 

In result, this has further rendered the 'old-guard' Republican party powerless from keeping their far-right constituents at bay and have in result surrendered the Republican Party to this new culture of 'Trumpists.'  

It is in this writers opinion,  if we do not take bold and drastic legal measures to quash this rabid movement, this new narrative of a hasty disassemblage of the United States government which our founding fathers hoped would remain a bit longer, will continue to poison the veins of Washington D.C. for decades to come.  


"Soldier!  Are the barbarians are at the gates?" 

      "No sir, I believe they breached the gates some time ago sir..." 



*   A must read, to understand today:

'How The South Won The Civil War'

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas





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