Afghanistan Abandoned Afghanistan: The Cold, Painful Facts, The Naivety of Western Logic Refuses To Accept

• The cold, painful facts: our media, politicians and diplomats naively refuse to accept • There can be no victory for an army who hasn't the will to fight_ • You cannot buy, sell nor train the will of a soldier or its leaders Afghanistan abandoned their women, their children and their obligations to the people around the world who gave their sweat, lives, blood and humanitarianism to Afghanistan for twenty years. ______________________________ Now... Human Rights agencies will witness countless cases of abuse, barbarism and death upon women and children for decades to come. Billions of U.S. tax payers dollars of food, medicine and military equipment that should be in the hands of civilians, are now in the hands of the Taliban. The facts disclosed within this blog are relayed from private conversations via close friendships of ex-service members: Retired Marine Lt. Col of 3 wars, retired Staff Sergent Ar...