If you must name the one definitive entity which caused the January 6th insurrection: it would be the 'political party system' within the United States Government.  

The very same crippling methodologies that have rendered our modern political system so frustratingly compromised, are the very same political failures our founding fathers escaped while immigrating from Great Britain and Europe two hundred years ago.  

Sadly to say, it wasn't long before the same folly of governance found its' way into the American political apparatus.  

These founding fathers, who were ordained the opportunity to begin anew,  foolishly instilled the same stagnating mechanism of UK/Euro political doctrine within the U.S. Government which has since caused a myriad of national conflicts, tragedies and deadlocks that has left the world watching and waiting for the 'great democratic experiment' to collapse.  

Of all the factors one would equate to the January 6th insurrection, this writer sees the culprit as the 'political party system within the United States government'.  

The first and foremost example would most assuredly be the enabling of Donald J. Trump's election.  The subsequent four years of 'draining the swamp,' resulting in the sterilization of decorum, rule of law, honor and ethics.  

The egregious parlor games, of grift and graft since the end of the Civil War,  has been performed in earnest by Senators and Congressmen set-forth in task by political party leaders, lobbyists and the financial institutions who grease the wheels within the nation's capitol.  

In this realization, there is little doubt between most political scholars, that the residue created from the eternal war between political parties, has created a cancer.  A cancer that sowed the seeds for the seditious insurrection on January 6th.   

The rhetoric which enabled and encouraged the lowest common denominator of citizenry fervently loyal to Donald J Trump and his right wing movement, found it's mark.

The movement of a political party's metamorphosis as it reawakens the darkest regions of American thought.  A dangerous and nefariously extreme ethos which has lead this country into a great divide. 

What I further fear, is that  all what stands in the way of the catastrophic civil conflict that could ensue, is the Democratic Party.  A party which fights within itself and has had it's own issues delivering to the American people.   

One half of the Democratic party reports to Wall Street as the other half endorses a Socialistic-Economic doctrine (which has time and again attempted to enter American politics since the 1920's) foolishly continues to endorse as the answer to this troubled country time and again.    

The most favorite tool within our political party system, is the forming of pacts and alliances which serve contrary to the mechanism set forth within the Constitution of the United States and in result exclusively benefits ones party before ones country.  

As individuals stand naked upon the testimonial pulpit of law and ethics, one must utter their truth to conscience, their truth, to morals and ones obligation to humankind.  

Where pacts and alliances encourage one to fall behind the next individuals avoidance of honor and duty to their constituents.   

These very practices of political sleight of hand were the primary reason why George Washington and Thomas Jefferson fervently opposed the political party system during the formation of our early government.  

Although Jefferson would concede and form his own party in hopes he would set an enduring gold standard of political procedure, his outline of standards and practices did not survive his retirement as future colleagues of his party turned towards the convenience of their own personal pursuits. 

Fast forward two hundred years, we see the political party game plan: so rigid and enforced, it goes without saying that: Every politician must act primarily to the wants and desires of their party fist.  

Proceed to supersede their oaths taken within the hallowed halls upon Capital Hill and with this therefore note: that the citizens who have placed them there are but a secondary matter. 

The political factions who vested Donald J Trump: Served their own needs by utilizing the most unqualified and most amoral individual they could find as a stepping stone to achieve the goals these forces within the Republican party set forth decades before.  

Most notably, the early Tea-Partiers, far right nationalist groups and far right religious factions who already have their representatives in play within the Senate and Congress at this very moment, which January 6th has most conveniently exposed.   

The D.C. power brokers who have created a swamp like stalemate of Wall Street-Corporate lackeys who's egregious self interests drove the nation into the great depression of 2008, as one administration replaced the next; perhaps by party, the next brand, the next slogan... yet maintained a continuance of a singular formula that has taken hold of American politics since the industrial revolution and has essentially maintained it's common trajectory regardless of power, policy or party ever since.  Party, party, party.   

This common denominator of power to politics has since trickled down to the state levels where now (via political party mandates), each state strives for greater autonomy from federal control, laws, standards and ethics.  

Rendering the Constitution of the United States as a template to abridge, alter or negate at the states convenience.

Much like the split within the Catholic church throughout in the 16th and 17th centuries, when factions of Catholicism were re-designed into a Protestantism, at the convenience of an individuals taste.  

As scriptures began to miraculously reach numerous parallel truths.    

The ideology of select autonomous societies clustered throughout our many states reached its crescendo, after the Civil War.  

Individual states have strove to reinvent the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, bolstered and enabled by the political party which they serve.  

A tribalism if you will.  

A tribal engine of humankind which is the most singular contributing factor to a humans' incorrigible need for confrontation and conflict, endlessly imposing ones superiority and control upon another.

With all of this being said.  This writer is simply amazed that with all the mechanisms at the disposal of Washington's gate keepers and with such powerful vesting procedures at hand,  ie: advanced intelligence reviews, deep-background profiles composed,  psychological profiles rendered, think tanks and laureates consulted...  

...That an individual such as Donald J. Trump was given clear passage to lead the United States of America into one of the darkest times in the history of this great nation. 

The very arrogance of some of the most highly educated Politicians in Washington, who fully well knew of Mr. Trump's compromised psyche and sociopathic character,  yet refused to heed the warning signs and continued to enable this individual to become the leader of the NEW 'Republican Party.'  

There is no one else to blame than each and every politician who serves their party first.  

The timeless parlor tricks to manipulate and achieve their goals:  Using the archaic Electoral College, the new and improved con-game of 'Citizens United' and the ever present Billionaire contributions hidden within covert financial transfers passing under loop holes ridden throughout legal statutes, are the reality of this.

Every Citizen and Politician who supported our mentally ill POTUS are complicit for this horrific moment in our nations history. You cannot cherry pick actions from a psychopath as he pretends he’s created prudent financial policies, employment growth and better trade and industry standards and expect a price will not eventually be paid for the vile and evil being that exists within his soul. 

It is akin to appointing a pedafile to run your local boy scout troop, while saying: “well the kids love him and he knows his knots and fishing skills.”  

To the ones who told me, “yes, I know he’s a jerk, but boy my bank account is looking good...”  you are all complicit to January 6th.  

For those of you who supported this man for a few extra dollars in your IRA... you should be reviewing your value system.  Your sense of honor, your sense of decorum.  

You were promised that Marxists, gays, abortionists, the homeless drug filled rabble, blacks, Muslims and Mexicans would be 'dealt with'.   But... did he?  It is still the same as it was four years ago.

Having failed in the aforementioned categories, a distraction from the political failures of ones term in office was needed.  One of the oldest political tricks in the book: Create a diversionary event to change the narrative and to cloud the citizens' memory of ones faults.   Fast forward January, 2021. 

It was time to make a clean break of it.  The decision was made to indiscriminately blow up the old-guard Republican party.  January 6th, created the 'Other America' and the 'Other Republican Party'.   

In time, the Democratic party will soon follow as the struggle between centrists and progressives will soon have its own consequences.   

The only thing that can save them, will be an exceptionally gifted statesmen who will appeal to both to far left liberals as well as to the centrist-wall-street-blue-bloods and the newly acquired old school Republican refugees who are crossing the border in droves.  

This statesmen must pull all of these factions together and create a party for the Americans who wish to avoid Donald J. Trump's re-election in 2024 and the loss of control of the house and senate in 2022.    

I  feel an obligation, deep within, to continue a truth.  A truth that lends its wisdom in silent and for only those who stop and listen long enough to learn from this, may save themselves and their country.  

For this is very very serious.  All of this is a very bad sign.  So, I bring you this.  Without melody, without rhyme... 

If there is any advice I would lend to joe-q-public out there:  Please understand, that when you cast your vote, you are casting a deception to the reality.  

When one votes, you are voting for a Political Party's Regime:  Not an individuals political, philosophical, economic, views_  but instead, the party of which he serves. It is simple as that.   


...And so, to my tin-foil hatters:   If there is a Deep State, you will find it within the 'Political Party System,' which has been manufactured within a profound anonymity.  

Wielding unlimited power and finance, it allows but a chosen few to perpetuate a predesignated agenda upon their citizens, creating a brilliantly convincing illusion:  that the voters themselves make the decisions via the vehicle of their vote.  When nothing could be further from the truth. 

The Political Party of which you choose to follow, will inform you where the next four years will take you, not the politician you voted for.  

There lies the death of democracy and the sacred freedom of thought and ones individual right to contribute to ones country. 



It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas





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