Peace Will Not be Found In Violence

Peace Is Not Found In Violence 

In 1968, anarchists infiltrated the Peaceful Counter Culture movement, as did The Weathermen, SLA, militant Black Power chapters, Red Brigade (and others) which created a devastating implosion within an inspired progressive humanitarian movement: an off shoot from the Freedom Riders and  Civil Rights movements.  

A transcendental peace movement that had achieved so much, fell victim to the radical militant left and a liberated drug culture that numbed the senses of an emboldened generation, which suffered a slow and dishonorable death in the 1970s.   

What ever the 'Love and Peace' movements might have ignited in the hearts of the masses of idealistic progressive souls in America__ soon became a distant memory, a novelty, a forgotten hope.    

The picture above is a famous press release which falsely accused Counter Culture Yippies for a riotous encounter that was later proven to have been organized and carried out by Anarchists.  An event the Counter Culture/Peace Movement had nothing to do with.   


The Peace & Civil Rights Movements lost it's way after the deaths of Martin and Bobby.  

A knee jerk reaction led the core of the Black counter culture towards a more aggressive and in your face movement which in it's early days endorsed a 'civil revolution' instead of continuing MLK's cause of 'peaceful civil disobedience.'  

This was all what U.S. Government needed to systematically discredit and destroy what was left of the progressive left.    

In the other strata of the disillusioned youth of America, college students would embrace political revolutionaries such as Castro, Chavez and others, while pop culture lecturers, and professors of Marxist influence injected misguided remedies for the injustices within America's politics.  

The rest of the nations youth either continued to go to Vietnam, "dropped out, tuned-in and got high." 

The FBI fueled propaganda seeped into the news rooms across the country.  While millions of citizens had little idea what the 'Counter Culture' was all about. 

This thurst of knowledge was quickly prompted to consume alternate falsehoods, contrary to the true doctrine of the national peace movement.  

Implicating civil liberties movements and progressive intellectuals who attached themselves to endorse the actions of these factions as malicious infiltrators within American society.  

Which prevented their virtuous purpose to generate a sociopolitical dialogue in hopes to incite change between government and it's citizens, in peaceful, civil discourse to promote the good in all of us. 

Bobby and Martin were gone and the movement was left rudderless.  

Without a charismatic leader to carry the torch for 'peaceful civil disobedience' the intellectualism of the Counter Culture eventually dissolved into a more violent more militant doctrine set forth by Malcolm X, The Weathermen, Anarchists and other factions.  

This new movement of violent action, became more attractive to the lost young, the oppressed minorities and disenfranchised youth in the U.S.   From Black Power rallies to upper middle-class university students bombing government sites, violent acts of protest became the new headlines. 

While Marxist based university professors filled the minds of impressionable students, protest rallies were colored by Communist Chinese and N.V.C. flags waving midst the American flags and banners pleading to end the war in Vietnam.  

The visual insult upon thousands of Americans who viewed these images on there television sets, turned opinions of the 'Peace Movement,' from empathy to anger, as many American viewers gazed across the room from their sets to the pictures of their sons and fathers in uniform who were serving or have died fighting in the Vietnam war. 

Fifty years later the Anarchists have returned with Antifa and other fringe extremists that will taint the righteousness of this weeks call for the end of prejudice and to rise up for Civil Rights and judicial & political reform. 

The restoration of common decency and the demand for empathy for the unwarranted deaths of black Americans in this country.

But the damage by the press and media was done.   The naivete' of the American public ingested the many falsehoods released via media which were later traced back to J. Edgar Hoover's offices, working in step with State and Local police across the country.
This was the beginning of the end to the Counter Culture's efforts to enlighten America.  
Within the next five years, America would witness the proof in what the Counter-Culture was attempting to address, re:  The Pentagon Papers, Watergate, etc.,  


It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas

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