The Cold Hard Tragedy of Firearms in America: REACTIONARY v.s. PREVENTATIVE


Increasing the deployment of guns in America to respond to a human tragedy by a gun is merely a 'Reactionary' act that offers no remedy to the crisis.

Reactionary actions do not prevent a human's act of killing someone.  Nor does it return the deceased to their loved ones. 

The only finite 'Preventative Action' that will prevent humans from killing others with a gun is to eliminate the gun from a human's life. By this, a definitive solution can be realized. 


As long as America persists to engage in 'REACTIONARY' policies to GUN CONTROL__ tragic deaths by firearms will persist.

When America initiates realistic 'PREVENTATIVE' measures and eliminate firearms from individuals who haven't the psychological nor federal/state sanctioned training to ensure optimum responsibilities of ownership_ deaths by firearms will drastically reduce in numbers.  

The mathematics within philosophical doctrine and psychological practice,  offer us the definitive answer / remedy  to this argument.  

Tragically, the answers presented have been ignored by the social-political tribes who control the Congress, Senate and Judicial processes within America.  

In result, unnecessary deaths will continue in America. 


Banning Assault Rifles 
Arming Teachers 
Fencing of Schools 
Armed Security in schools 
Metal Detectors in schools
Additional Police Resources for school SWAT crisis training

PREVENTATIVE:   (citing quote of 2nd Amendment:  ".....a well regulated militia..."  

Red State Laws

•    Mandatory Psychological analysis by national or state sanctioned Therapists who specialized in emotional abstracts to harm oneself or others, before an individual can purchase a weapon.

•  Mandatory national or state sanctioned training before every firearm purchase. ie: Driving School 

•   National or State Database agency (ie: DMV) where all firearms tests must be passed before ownership of a firearm 

•   Mandatory Ammunition allocation- Once firearms have been approved for one's ownership.  

•  Ammunition sales (controlled by a national or state database) are restricted to a specific amount deemed necessary to protect oneself, home and or for sport / hunting needs.  

* Gun collectors would have to clear nationally enforced requirements to own and possess firearms beyond a certain quota.   

Now what are you going to do about this? 

It is the collective obligation of humankind to ensure the peace and to embolden ethical and moral deeds which protect the worlds civilizations from the darkness. Unim Orbus Unim Veritas



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