
Showing posts from 2023

Too stupid to know how wrong they are... But beware... The Troubles of Northern Ireland were created by this minority

Too stupid to know how wrong they are?  Perhaps_     The alternate hypothesis is that their ignorance has rendered them so helplessly vacant of the virtues, ethics and morals needed to fully understand what they are creating_    'However intentionally or unintentionally'.....  This will surely cause the collapse of Democracy  within their own country  and a subsequent insurgent-guerrilla-civil-war that will last for decades.     You will have your Northern Ireland till you are nauseatingly sick and hopelessly exhausted of the irrecoverable horrors of killing, tears and rage.  Just as citizens Northern Ireland witnessed throughout the last half century __    Read more about the Dunning--Krueger Effect 2012/07/why-dont-stupid- people-realize-theyre-stupid- 79776/   They will exist as the Taliban does to this day.   They will have their state, absent of an intellectual infrast...

The Cold Hard Tragedy of Firearms in America: REACTIONARY v.s. PREVENTATIVE

Argument: Increasing the deployment of guns in America to respond to a human tragedy by a gun is merely a 'Reactionary' act that  offers no remedy to the crisis . Reactionary actions do not prevent a human's act of killing someone.  Nor does it return the deceased to their loved ones.  The only finite 'Preventative Action' that will prevent humans from killing others with a gun is to eliminate the gun from a human's life. By this, a definitive solution can be realized.  Summation: As long as America persists to engage in 'REACTIONARY' policies to GUN CONTROL__ tragic deaths by firearms will persist. When America initiates realistic 'PREVENTATIVE' measures and eliminate firearms from individuals who haven't the psychological nor federal/state sanctioned training to ensure optimum responsibilities of ownership_ deaths by firearms will drastically reduce in numbers.   The mathematics within philosophical doctrine and psychological practice,  of...