Like Ukraine, Don't Think It Can't Happen in America by Americans

Set aside immigrants of foreign wars who now live in the United States: Not one American alive, knows what it is like to live with war in their own country. Even gang-warfare does not equate with what true war brings. ______________________________ The unfortunate symptom of time is forgetting what war truly is. The present agitating factors within the Political and Governmental spheres of this nation are playing with a very dark and sinister object. Bouncing this paradox upon a tight-rope crossing a great crevasse which has no bottom, radically inspired politicians push the limits of the human psyche to dare the other side to say the: 'one wrong thing' to lose their vote, not realizing that there will be no voting while a Civil War rages. Politicians and their press, media and IT enablers: Pushing rhetoric which in past historic cases has more times than not resulted in violent conflict within a once peaceful nation. When war comes to your home town...