Gross Moral Turpitude and the ones of Wealth and Power Who Play The Game

Subject: Gross Moral Turpitude, the absence of 'Divine Positive Law' and the individuals of wealth and governance who play this dangerous game, every day. There are collective obligations in our human existence which traverses, social, tribal or governmental law. Spiritual and or religious doctrine throughout the world best describes this obligation. Whether you choose to achieve this thru good Karma, or by the enlightenment of ones soul through religious faith, or by finding ones place within a social order, to help create empathy, charity and compassion to others. Even for the agnostic, or the atheist... ... To live ones life outside a moral or ethical framework, will inevitably entangle ones days within a malignant darkness... Therefore, those who claim there is no need to practice an obligation towards morals or ethics through spirituality, a oneness with God or the practice of 'Divine Positive Law...' One cannot exist...